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I clicked the link in my MBAM console to check out Chameleon. When I clicked Download, I got a page that said, "Oops! That link seems to be broken!


I'm scared of anything odd during a download, so I got out of there and went back to my MBAM console and retried.  This time there was no hitch in the download.  Per instructions, I opened the folder and opened the help file for the installation info. It opened, but there was nothing on it.


Should I proceed with installation?

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  • Root Admin

Hello Kati


The only reason to use Chameleon is if MBAM won't run or complete a scan for you.  it's designed to try and get MBAM running when something is blocking it from running.


Are you have an issue with the computer or think that you might have an infection?

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Hi, Ron--


Yes, thanks, I am having some issues. This is a new computer, about two weeks old.  Avast found a rootkit a few days ago, but claims to have eliminated it.  I'm not so sure.  Shortly before my old computer died MBAM stopped running and everything I tried to do to get into it was blocked.  For that reason, added to what Avast found, added to some strange behaviors of various programs, I decided to download Chameleon just to have it on hand in case anything happened to my MBAM.


When I was first setting up my new computer I was using Firefox, which began doing very strange things--windows were popping up all over the place (I did have pop-up blocker activated) until there multiple windows flying open and snapping shut all over my screen.  I uninstalled Firefox and ran several scans, found several infections, and to my knowledge everything was eliminated.  The rootkit showed up several days later.  I just have the feeling something is still in there, and a particular AppData file keeps being associated with problems.


Does any of this make anysense?  Just to forewarn you, I'm also on an OS learning curve, having just jumped from XP to 8.1, so... :unsure:  Not doing too bad, though!

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  • Root Admin

No problem. We don't do malware detection and removal in this forum so you'll need to post to another section of the forum where they can assist you with this.

I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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