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  • Root Admin

It is associated in that XSS is often used in an iframe using non secure content.  Basically the site will use a hidden iframe in the browser so that they can use cross-site scripting to attempt to do things.  On a secure https protocol with mixed-content blocked it negates that action because typically one that is trying to attack your system is not going to purchase and setup a secure https certificate site.  Certainly many other methods of XSS and attack vectors but https should help for some cases, but if mixed-content is set to allow then it won't do anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed today that I have a "shield" in the upper right corner of my EXPOSED Free Speak Blog. It says "script from unauthenticated sources, like hoppel experienced and posted here to this forum:  http://i.imgur.com/9JLkufs.png . I want to know HOW to get rid of it. Every article in my EXPOSED blog is censored information, and I don't need any "shield" to affect the public's confidence to read my articles. That is probably what is hoped by whatever cyberstalker did something to get a shield on my blog. The shield appeared after I published my "reparations" article. I wrote about the "shield" in an article called "EXPOSED blog shielded after reparations article"


The Justice Gagged article at the link immediately above gives some possibilities as to why the shield appeared. How does this "shield" affect my readers? Do they get a warning before opening my blog? Could you please tell me how to get rid of the shield? If not, I have to go through and copy each and every article into a new blog, which will be very time consuming. Thank you for any advice you can give.

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