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Windows Update Problem


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I have been trying to fix a Windows Update problem on my Vista Service Pack 2 laptop for days without success!

The problem is that when I click the install updates button I am told that Windows cannot update important files and services while in use and I need to reboot.

When I reboot Windows states that is configuring updates while shutting down. When the computer is restarted I still have the same problem.

Also, I cannot run sfc /scannow from a command prompt because of pending repairs.

Here is what I can remember that I have tried to fix the problem.

* Did a CLEAN BOOT and tried to install updates
* Ran the Microsoft Fix It Windows Update Tool several times but it states that it cannot fix the problem of installing new updates
* Purchased ErrorEnd Premium and ran it
* Ran the Windows Repair tool from tweaking.com
* Ran the Fix WU utility
* Renamed the Software Distribution folder
* Tried to run the Windows Update Automated Troubleshooter (WindowsUpdateDiagnostic.diagcab) but can't open the damn thing.
* Ran the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista
* Manually installed an update (KB2859537) that did not finish installing

I hope someone can help me. I don't know what else to do.

Here are my Windows Update logs:

2013-11-05    21:49:04:844    1360    524    Misc    ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7600.256, tz: -0600)  ===========
2013-11-05    21:49:04:875    1360    524    Misc      = Process: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
2013-11-05    21:49:04:953    1360    524    Misc      = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2013-11-05    21:49:04:844    1360    524    Service    *************
2013-11-05    21:49:05:109    1360    524    Service    ** START **  Service: Service startup
2013-11-05    21:49:05:187    1360    524    Service    *********
2013-11-05    21:49:05:936    1360    524    Agent      * WU client version 7.6.7600.256
2013-11-05    21:49:06:014    1360    524    Agent      * Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
2013-11-05    21:49:06:107    1360    524    Agent      * Access type: No proxy
2013-11-05    21:49:06:201    1360    524    Agent      * Network state: Connected
2013-11-05    21:49:07:776    1360    524    Setup    WARNING: SelfUpdate is in an error state
2013-11-05    21:49:52:751    1360    524    Report    CWERReporter::Init succeeded
2013-11-05    21:49:52:751    1360    524    Agent    ***********  Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent  ***********
2013-11-05    21:49:52:751    1360    524    Agent    ***********  Agent: Initializing global settings cache  ***********
2013-11-05    21:49:52:751    1360    524    Agent      * WSUS server: <NULL>
2013-11-05    21:49:52:751    1360    524    Agent      * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2013-11-05    21:49:52:751    1360    524    Agent      * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2013-11-05    21:49:52:751    1360    524    Agent      * Windows Update access disabled: No
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    DnldMgr    Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    AU    ###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    AU      # Approval type: Scheduled (User preference)
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    AU      # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 3:00
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    AU      # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    AU      # Will display featured software notifications (User preference)
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    AU    Setting AU scheduled install time to 2013-11-06 09:00:00
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    AU    Initializing featured updates
2013-11-05    21:49:52:767    1360    524    AU    Found 0 cached featured updates
2013-11-05    21:49:53:157    1360    524    Report    ***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********
2013-11-05    21:49:53:157    1360    524    Report      * OS Version = 6.0.6002.2.0.66304
2013-11-05    21:49:53:157    1360    524    Report      * OS Product Type = 0x00000003
2013-11-05    21:49:53:204    1360    524    Report      * Computer Brand = Hewlett-Packard
2013-11-05    21:49:53:204    1360    524    Report      * Computer Model = HP Pavilion dv9000 (GA354UA#ABA)  
2013-11-05    21:49:53:219    1360    524    Report      * Bios Revision = F.42    
2013-11-05    21:49:53:219    1360    524    Report      * Bios Name = PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.1     
2013-11-05    21:49:53:219    1360    524    Report      * Bios Release Date = 2009-03-09T00:00:00
2013-11-05    21:49:53:219    1360    524    Report      * Locale ID = 1033
2013-11-05    21:49:53:282    1360    524    AU    AU finished delayed initialization
2013-11-05    21:49:53:282    1360    524    AU    #############
2013-11-05    21:49:53:282    1360    524    AU    ## START ##  AU: Search for updates
2013-11-05    21:49:53:282    1360    524    AU    #########
2013-11-05    21:49:53:282    1360    524    AU    <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {1F29A3DB-D426-443A-BB3A-CAB3411B7F8E}]
2013-11-05    21:49:53:391    1360    e50    Agent    *************
2013-11-05    21:49:53:391    1360    e50    Agent    ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2013-11-05    21:49:53:391    1360    e50    Agent    *********
2013-11-05    21:49:53:391    1360    e50    Agent      * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2013-11-05    21:49:53:391    1360    e50    Agent      * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2013-11-05    21:49:53:391    1360    e50    Agent      * ServiceID = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} Third party service
2013-11-05    21:49:53:391    1360    e50    Agent      * Search Scope = {Machine}
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    e50    Agent      * Found 0 updates and 0 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 0 out of 0 deployed entities
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    e50    Agent    *********
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    e50    Agent    **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    e50    Agent    *************
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    9bc    AU    >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {1F29A3DB-D426-443A-BB3A-CAB3411B7F8E}]
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    9bc    AU      # 0 updates detected
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    9bc    AU    #########
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    9bc    AU    ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates [CallId = {1F29A3DB-D426-443A-BB3A-CAB3411B7F8E}]
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    9bc    AU    #############
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    9bc    AU    No featured updates notifications to show
2013-11-05    21:49:55:824    1360    9bc    AU    Setting AU scheduled install time to 2013-11-06 09:00:00
2013-11-05    21:49:58:336    1360    e50    Report    REPORT EVENT: {18E50C66-E1F3-4CC8-89B3-8553C241978E}    2013-11-05 21:49:52:767-0600    1    202    102    {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}    0    0    AutomaticUpdates    Success    Content Install    Reboot completed.
2013-11-05    21:49:58:367    1360    e50    Report    CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
2013-11-05    21:58:18:314    4048    508    Misc    ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7600.256, tz: -0600)  ===========
2013-11-05    21:58:18:314    4048    508    Misc      = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe
2013-11-05    21:58:18:314    4048    508    Misc      = Module: C:\Windows\system32\wuapi.dll
2013-11-05    21:58:18:311    4048    508    COMAPI    -----------  COMAPI: IUpdateServiceManager::AddScanPackageService  -----------
2013-11-05    21:58:18:314    4048    508    COMAPI      - ServiceName = Windows Update Standalone Installer
2013-11-05    21:58:18:314    4048    508    COMAPI      - ScanFileLocation = C:\9ea668a998bd9513a47a235638f77f\wsusscan.cab
2013-11-05    21:58:18:360    1360    a7c    Misc    Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ScanFile\d871dd37-6cc4-4bdb-869c-7d1191aab344\Source.cab:
2013-11-05    21:58:18:442    1360    a7c    Misc     Microsoft signed: Yes
2013-11-05    21:58:19:157    1360    a7c    DtaStor    Default service for AU is {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}
2013-11-05    21:58:19:204    4048    508    COMAPI      - Added scan package service, ServiceID = {D871DD37-6CC4-4BDB-869C-7D1191AAB344} Third party service
2013-11-05    21:58:19:229    4048    508    COMAPI    -------------
2013-11-05    21:58:19:230    4048    508    COMAPI    -- START --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:19:230    4048    508    COMAPI    ---------
2013-11-05    21:58:19:271    1360    e50    Agent    *************
2013-11-05    21:58:19:271    1360    e50    Agent    ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:19:271    1360    e50    Agent    *********
2013-11-05    21:58:19:271    1360    e50    Agent      * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2013-11-05    21:58:19:271    1360    e50    Agent      * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0"
2013-11-05    21:58:19:271    4048    508    COMAPI    <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:19:271    1360    e50    Agent      * ServiceID = {D871DD37-6CC4-4BDB-869C-7D1191AAB344} Third party service
2013-11-05    21:58:19:272    1360    e50    Agent      * Search Scope = {Machine}
2013-11-05    21:58:19:903    1360    e50    PT    +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++
2013-11-05    21:58:19:903    1360    e50    PT      + Offline serviceId = {D871DD37-6CC4-4BDB-869C-7D1191AAB344}
2013-11-05    21:58:19:904    1360    e50    PT    WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available
2013-11-05    21:58:26:658    1360    e50    Handler    FATAL: UH: 0x80070bc9: EvaluateApplicability failed in CCbs::EvaluateApplicability
2013-11-05    21:58:26:660    1360    e50    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {C40A43E8-4E49-41FE-8D81-850741E3DD7D}.501, hr = 80070BC9
2013-11-05    21:58:27:113    1360    e50    Handler    FATAL: UH: 0x80070bc9: EvaluateApplicability failed in CCbs::EvaluateApplicability
2013-11-05    21:58:27:114    1360    e50    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C40A43E8-4E49-41FE-8D81-850741E3DD7D}.501, hr = 80070BC9
2013-11-05    21:58:27:552    1360    e50    Handler    FATAL: UH: 0x80070bc9: EvaluateApplicability failed in CCbs::EvaluateApplicability
2013-11-05    21:58:27:572    1360    e50    PT    +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing extended update info  +++++++++++
2013-11-05    21:58:27:572    1360    e50    PT      + Offline serviceId = {D871DD37-6CC4-4BDB-869C-7D1191AAB344}
2013-11-05    21:58:27:893    1360    e50    Agent      * Added update {8BE6A775-B117-4F96-8E4D-A0DFD0AF2B72}.501 to search result
2013-11-05    21:58:27:893    1360    e50    Agent      * Found 1 updates and 61 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 126 out of 408 deployed entities
2013-11-05    21:58:27:894    1360    e50    Agent    *********
2013-11-05    21:58:27:894    1360    e50    Agent    **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:27:894    1360    e50    Agent    *************
2013-11-05    21:58:27:896    4048    f70    COMAPI    >>--  RESUMED  -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:27:900    4048    f70    COMAPI      - Updates found = 1
2013-11-05    21:58:27:900    4048    f70    COMAPI    ---------
2013-11-05    21:58:27:900    4048    f70    COMAPI    --  END  --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:27:900    4048    f70    COMAPI    -------------
2013-11-05    21:58:32:598    1360    a7c    DnldMgr    ***********  DnldMgr: Copy update to cache [updateId = {336E67BB-5C11-44D4-8B07-B7411B2AC247}.501]  ***********
2013-11-05    21:58:32:747    1360    a7c    Misc    Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\d2ccfd25739293e5ae59aa8ba4df42e9c1b0fa2a:
2013-11-05    21:58:32:767    1360    a7c    Misc     Microsoft signed: Yes
2013-11-05    21:58:32:831    4048    508    COMAPI    -------------
2013-11-05    21:58:32:831    4048    508    COMAPI    -- START --  COMAPI: Install [ClientId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:32:831    4048    508    COMAPI    ---------
2013-11-05    21:58:32:831    4048    508    COMAPI      - Allow source prompts: Yes; Forced: No; Force quiet: No
2013-11-05    21:58:32:831    4048    508    COMAPI      - Updates in request: 1
2013-11-05    21:58:32:832    4048    508    COMAPI      - ServiceID = {D871DD37-6CC4-4BDB-869C-7D1191AAB344} Third party service
2013-11-05    21:58:32:838    1360    ad4    Agent    *************
2013-11-05    21:58:32:838    4048    508    COMAPI      - Updates to install = 1
2013-11-05    21:58:32:838    1360    ad4    Agent    ** START **  Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:32:838    4048    508    COMAPI    <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:58:32:838    1360    ad4    Agent    *********
2013-11-05    21:58:32:838    1360    ad4    Agent      * Updates to install = 1
2013-11-05    21:58:32:841    1360    ad4    Agent      *   Title = Security Update for Windows (KB2859537)
2013-11-05    21:58:32:841    1360    ad4    Agent      *   UpdateId = {8BE6A775-B117-4F96-8E4D-A0DFD0AF2B72}.501
2013-11-05    21:58:32:841    1360    ad4    Agent      *     Bundles 1 updates:
2013-11-05    21:58:32:841    1360    ad4    Agent      *       {336E67BB-5C11-44D4-8B07-B7411B2AC247}.501
2013-11-05    21:58:33:378    1360    ad4    Handler    FATAL: UH: 0x80070bc9: EvaluateApplicability failed in CCbs::EvaluateApplicability
2013-11-05    21:58:33:380    1360    ad4    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {C40A43E8-4E49-41FE-8D81-850741E3DD7D}.501, hr = 80070BC9
2013-11-05    21:58:33:798    1360    ad4    Handler    FATAL: UH: 0x80070bc9: EvaluateApplicability failed in CCbs::EvaluateApplicability
2013-11-05    21:58:33:800    1360    ad4    Agent    WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installable rule, updateId = {C40A43E8-4E49-41FE-8D81-850741E3DD7D}.501, hr = 80070BC9
2013-11-05    21:58:34:240    1360    ad4    Handler    FATAL: UH: 0x80070bc9: EvaluateApplicability failed in CCbs::EvaluateApplicability
2013-11-05    21:59:13:087    1360    ad4    Handler    Attempting to create remote handler process as traveler\don in session 1
2013-11-05    21:59:13:699    1360    ad4    DnldMgr    Preparing update for install, updateId = {336E67BB-5C11-44D4-8B07-B7411B2AC247}.501.
2013-11-05    21:59:13:753    4132    1030    Misc    ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7600.256, tz: -0600)  ===========
2013-11-05    21:59:13:753    4132    1030    Misc      = Process: C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
2013-11-05    21:59:13:753    4132    1030    Misc      = Module: C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2013-11-05    21:59:13:749    4132    1030    Handler    :::::::::::::
2013-11-05    21:59:13:753    4132    1030    Handler    :: START ::  Handler: Command Line Install
2013-11-05    21:59:13:754    4132    1030    Handler    :::::::::
2013-11-05    21:59:13:754    4132    1030    Handler      : Updates to install = 1
2013-11-05    21:59:13:867    4132    1030    Handler      : Command line install completed. Return code = 0x00000000, Result = Succeeded, Reboot required = false
2013-11-05    21:59:13:872    4132    1030    Handler    :::::::::
2013-11-05    21:59:13:872    4132    1030    Handler    ::  END  ::  Handler: Command Line Install
2013-11-05    21:59:13:872    4132    1030    Handler    :::::::::::::
2013-11-05    21:59:14:574    1360    524    AU    Triggering Offline detection (non-interactive)
2013-11-05    21:59:14:574    1360    ad4    Agent    *********
2013-11-05    21:59:14:574    1360    524    AU    #############
2013-11-05    21:59:14:575    1360    ad4    Agent    **  END  **  Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:59:14:575    1360    524    AU    ## START ##  AU: Search for updates
2013-11-05    21:59:14:575    1360    ad4    Agent    *************
2013-11-05    21:59:14:575    1360    524    AU    #########
2013-11-05    21:59:14:575    4048    101c    COMAPI    >>--  RESUMED  -- COMAPI: Install [ClientId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:59:14:585    1360    524    AU    <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {57374527-DAC3-4E83-AE53-3039BABA8189}]
2013-11-05    21:59:14:585    4048    101c    COMAPI      - Install call complete (succeeded = 1, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 0, unaccounted = 0)
2013-11-05    21:59:14:586    1360    e50    Agent    *************
2013-11-05    21:59:14:586    4048    101c    COMAPI      - Reboot required = No
2013-11-05    21:59:14:590    1360    e50    Agent    ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2013-11-05    21:59:14:591    4048    101c    COMAPI    ---------
2013-11-05    21:59:14:591    1360    e50    Agent    *********
2013-11-05    21:59:14:593    4048    101c    COMAPI    --  END  --  COMAPI: Install [ClientId = wusa]
2013-11-05    21:59:14:593    1360    e50    Agent      * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2013-11-05    21:59:14:594    4048    101c    COMAPI    -------------
2013-11-05    21:59:14:594    1360    e50    Agent      * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2013-11-05    21:59:14:594    1360    e50    Agent      * ServiceID = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} Third party service
2013-11-05    21:59:14:594    1360    e50    Agent      * Search Scope = {Machine}
2013-11-05    21:59:17:283    1360    e50    Agent      * Found 0 updates and 0 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 0 out of 0 deployed entities
2013-11-05    21:59:17:283    1360    e50    Agent    *********
2013-11-05    21:59:17:283    1360    e50    Agent    **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2013-11-05    21:59:17:283    1360    e50    Agent    *************
2013-11-05    21:59:17:284    1360    9bc    AU    >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {57374527-DAC3-4E83-AE53-3039BABA8189}]
2013-11-05    21:59:17:284    1360    9bc    AU      # 0 updates detected
2013-11-05    21:59:17:284    1360    9bc    AU    #########
2013-11-05    21:59:17:284    1360    9bc    AU    ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates [CallId = {57374527-DAC3-4E83-AE53-3039BABA8189}]
2013-11-05    21:59:17:284    1360    9bc    AU    #############
2013-11-05    21:59:17:284    1360    9bc    AU    No featured updates notifications to show
2013-11-05    21:59:17:284    1360    9bc    AU    Setting AU scheduled install time to 2013-11-06 09:00:00
2013-11-05    21:59:19:191    1360    e50    Report    REPORT EVENT: {B1572790-F7D9-476D-A2E9-AF9699B7FF1E}    2013-11-05 21:59:14:191-0600    1    183    101    {8BE6A775-B117-4F96-8E4D-A0DFD0AF2B72}    501    0    wusa    Success    Content Install    Installation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Security Update for Windows (KB2859537)
2013-11-05    21:59:19:192    1360    e50    Report    CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
2013-11-05    21:59:38:675    4048    508    COMAPI    -----------  COMAPI: IUpdateServiceManager::RemoveService  -----------
2013-11-05    21:59:38:675    4048    508    COMAPI      - ServiceId = {d871dd37-6cc4-4bdb-869c-7d1191aab344}
2013-11-05    21:59:45:644    4048    508    COMAPI    IUpdateService removing volatile scan package service, serviceID = {D871DD37-6CC4-4BDB-869C-7D1191AAB344}
2013-11-05    21:59:45:648    1360    aa8    Agent    WARNING: WU client fails CClientCallRecorder::RemoveService with error 0x80248014
2013-11-05    21:59:45:649    4048    508    COMAPI    WARNING: ISusInternal::RemoveService failed, hr=80248014
2013-11-05    22:01:48:742    1360    524    Shutdwn    user declined update at shutdown
2013-11-05    22:01:48:742    1360    524    AU    AU initiates service shutdown
2013-11-05    22:01:48:742    1360    524    AU    ###########  AU: Uninitializing Automatic Updates  ###########
2013-11-05    22:01:48:773    1360    524    Report    CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)
2013-11-05    22:01:50:239    1360    524    Service    *********
2013-11-05    22:01:50:239    1360    524    Service    **  END  **  Service: Service exit [Exit code = 0x240001]
2013-11-05    22:01:50:239    1360    524    Service    *************
2013-11-05    22:06:02:215    1380    e1c    Misc    ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.6.7600.256, tz: -0600)  ===========
2013-11-05    22:06:02:215    1380    e1c    Misc      = Process: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
2013-11-05    22:06:02:293    1380    e1c    Misc      = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2013-11-05    22:06:02:215    1380    e1c    Service    *************
2013-11-05    22:06:02:449    1380    e1c    Service    ** START **  Service: Service startup
2013-11-05    22:06:02:527    1380    e1c    Service    *********
2013-11-05    22:06:03:463    1380    e1c    Agent      * WU client version 7.6.7600.256
2013-11-05    22:06:03:541    1380    e1c    Agent      * Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
2013-11-05    22:06:03:635    1380    e1c    Agent      * Access type: No proxy
2013-11-05    22:06:03:744    1380    e1c    Agent      * Network state: Connected
2013-11-05    22:06:06:177    1380    e1c    Setup    WARNING: SelfUpdate is in an error state
2013-11-05    22:06:51:199    1380    e1c    Report    CWERReporter::Init succeeded
2013-11-05    22:06:51:199    1380    e1c    Agent    ***********  Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent  ***********
2013-11-05    22:06:51:199    1380    e1c    Agent    ***********  Agent: Initializing global settings cache  ***********
2013-11-05    22:06:51:199    1380    e1c    Agent      * WSUS server: <NULL>
2013-11-05    22:06:51:199    1380    e1c    Agent      * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2013-11-05    22:06:51:199    1380    e1c    Agent      * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2013-11-05    22:06:51:199    1380    e1c    Agent      * Windows Update access disabled: No
2013-11-05    22:06:51:215    1380    e1c    DnldMgr    Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU    ###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU      # Approval type: Scheduled (User preference)
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU      # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 3:00
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU      # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU      # Will display featured software notifications (User preference)
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU    Setting AU scheduled install time to 2013-11-06 09:00:00
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU    Initializing featured updates
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU    Found 0 cached featured updates
2013-11-05    22:06:51:230    1380    e1c    AU    AU finished delayed initialization
2013-11-05    22:06:51:823    1380    e1c    Report    ***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********
2013-11-05    22:06:51:823    1380    e1c    Report      * OS Version = 6.0.6002.2.0.66304
2013-11-05    22:06:51:823    1380    e1c    Report      * OS Product Type = 0x00000003
2013-11-05    22:06:51:870    1380    e1c    Report      * Computer Brand = Hewlett-Packard
2013-11-05    22:06:51:870    1380    e1c    Report      * Computer Model = HP Pavilion dv9000 (GA354UA#ABA)  
2013-11-05    22:06:51:870    1380    e1c    Report      * Bios Revision = F.42    
2013-11-05    22:06:51:870    1380    e1c    Report      * Bios Name = PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.1     
2013-11-05    22:06:51:870    1380    e1c    Report      * Bios Release Date = 2009-03-09T00:00:00
2013-11-05    22:06:51:870    1380    e1c    Report      * Locale ID = 1033
2013-11-05    22:06:56:940    1380    c9c    Report    CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)

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