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How do I stop Malwarebytes from quarantining my Adobe 10 files?

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I've had Adobe 10 (legit and paid for) since August 2013, but all of a sudden today (Nov. 2, 2013), Malwarebytes keeps quarantining my Adobe program files. This is NOT good, as I'm in the middle of editorial projects that have to be done on Adobe files. I had to disable Malwarebytes just to be able to reactivate the Adobe 10 files so I can access my unfinished project, which I need to work on today. BTW, I'm an old broad, from the days of the abacus instead of the calculator, so please DO speak to me as if I were a four-year-old whom you were teaching. THANKS A MILLION!

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Hi and welcome, JuliB: :)


There was a false positive yesterday for Adobe Acrobat 10, but it was fixed yesterday.


Please restore the file from the quarantine, and then check for rule updates and it should no longer be detected.

Video tutorial here:

How to restore items from Quarantine

Please let us know if you need more help or if you are reporting a different problem,



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