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Hello. Im brand new to these forums and I wish I had found this site and forums sooner. I purchased this laptop nearly 3 weeks ago and have already factory restored twice. I would have used my CD that came with the laptop but I lost the darn box(with the OS CD inside it ofcourse...) at a previous hotel.


Im using a Dell laptop Windows 8 x64 bit and I think my registry is compromised and that my information/files are open to attack. I've been experiencing other difficulties aswell including network problems and services that do not seem to be legit.


I have ran a few scanning programs( that were suggested by Admins in these forums )to others that had similar issues. I have logs from Combofix, Rxkill, and Roguekiller. I can provide the logs as needed and I would also like to know what you see and understand from them as I have no idea... Please help me solve my pcs issues.

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