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Command Line Switch Suggestion

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I have an issue with my home network that is driving me crazy. I have four PC's connected to a Windows 2003 fileserver at home. Each PC has 5 shares to the server.

I installed MBAM on the four PC's after one of them gave us the fake antivirus 2009 scare.

I installed the free product on all four. I then proceeded to manually run the product on all four, selecting a full scan and Drive C: only. I then wrote batch files for updating and then running the product nightly.

Three of the PC's work fine when running the /fullscanterminate switch in a batch file. They scan Drive C: only. It takes a while but I don't care as it's scheduled for 1AM, long after I'm in bed. It's certainly not an inordinate amount of time to scan only the boot drive.

One PC - the one I removed the fake antivirus from - refuses to scan only Drive C: It always selects all available local and network drives, which causes the scan to run for many, MANY hours.

Since I can't seem to control that, I'm wondering if there's a switch to make it scan only the drives I select.

For instance: mbam.exe /fullscanterminate /C /D etc.

If it doesn't exist, then I humbly submit this as a suggestion.

Thanks much for the product. It's amazingly effective.


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