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Since my 4 year old son has discovered computer games (Ben 10, Scooby Doo) I have discovered countless pieces of junkware on my PC. He's a serial clicker. Any brightly colored ad, particularly in the form of an Alien becomes irresistible to him. I recommend MBAM assembles a crack team of preteens to trawl all the PUP's, adware and toolbars out there.

I have now changed the Sandboxie browser icon on my Pc to Humungousaur for my own safety.


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I imagine that he already has one. He has been a "Malware Hunter" for a long time. ;)

One other recommendation is to set up a virtual machine, create a snapshot of the OS when it is clean, have your kids use that virtual machine for their playing around, and then restore the clean snapshot when they are done. That prevents them from messing up your computer, and it allows you to clean up their mess with relative ease. ;)

Of course, another good recommendation is simply to be there to supervise everything they do on the Internet. That can save your children from doing some really stupid things.

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