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New here, though I've occasionally lurked as a guest.  This is my first post and my topic title is my question.  I have been receiving help from another forum for an infection issue, but every time I've tried to run MBAR it takes an incredibly LOOOOONG time . . . so long that I would think it wasn't working, so I would try to stop it and it would freeze up my computer.  My helper couldn't advise me on the potential time frame to complete the scan, so I though maybe you guys/gals could give me a hint.  He said as long as it was scanning to let it continue, which totally makes sense.  It stays on one item for a long time, then when I check it again it has moved on to another item, so I know it is still scanning.  However, the scan has been going on for over 20 hours!  It now says it is scanning registry and directory data.  Could that mean it's nearing the end?   Any idea how much longer (rough estimate)?


Thanks so much!

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I'm posting this topic here, after putting it under the wrong one a few minutes ago.  Sorry for the confusion and I hope the mods don't mind.


Also I see another topic here where someone's scan has gone overy 48 hours.  YIKES!  Is that what I'm looking at with my scan too?





New here, though I've occasionally lurked as a guest.  This is my first post and my topic title is my question.  I have been receiving help from another forum for an infection issue, but every time I've tried to run MBAR it takes an incredibly LOOOOONG time . . . so long that I would think it wasn't working, so I would try to stop it and it would freeze up my computer.  My helper couldn't advise me on the potential time frame to complete the scan, so I though maybe you guys/gals could give me a hint.  He said as long as it was scanning to let it continue, which totally makes sense.  It stays on one item for a long time, then when I check it again it has moved on to another item, so I know it is still scanning.  However, the scan has been going on for over 20 hours!  It now says it is scanning registry and directory data.  Could that mean it's nearing the end?   Any idea how much longer (rough estimate)?


Thanks so much!

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  • Root Admin

MBAR is not a tool that should be run regularly.  If you're experiencing issues with an infection or running the tool then its probably best to see trained help for free.


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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Thank you, Ron, for your reply.  I am receiving help on another forum (BC), and as I said my helper couldn't advise me on how long the scan would take.  All the times I've tried to run it before has only been for the purpose to get the report for the forum helpers.  My question for this forum since I feel you all are probably the experts in the use of this tool, was just to know if 21 plus hours was unheard of in the duration of the scan.  Unfortunately; my anxious need for an answer is now moot as I accidentally aborted the scan by pressing my space bar twice trying to clear my screen saver to check the status of it. :(  However, just in case my helper wants me to try again to run MBAR, can anyone give me an idea of approximately how long the scan could take with or without infection?  I appreciate your consideration of my concern.

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If you are already being helped over at BC with this infected computer, I suggest you continue with them over there as getting help for the same computer by two different helpers will only make matters worst and hard for the person trying to clean the infection.


As for the time it takes, its hard to say really as it all depends on many factors, such as computer speed, memory, number of files on your computer and even the infection on the computer can weigh in on the time.  There is no magic number the we can provide you that will say, it will only take 10 minutes.  I know its probably not what you wanted to hear, but that's the case. 


Perhaps the folks at BC that are helping you can have you run a different scan/tool to help get rid of whatever infection you may have.

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Sorry, Firefox, for not getting back on here sooner with a reply.


Yes, I was not going to post my problem here as I was already aware that I should stick with one helper for the long haul.  And we seem to have had a small breakthrough that will hopefully lead to an eventual resolution of my problem.  My only question here was just regarding the length of time for the MBAR scan, which you answer perfectly.    Thank you very much for your help.  I really appreciate it.


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