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I have 4 MBAM Pro licenses. Two are installed on XP SP3 computers and 2 are installed on Win 7 computers. Three of them work perfectly.

Update on the one XP computer is not working. I have to manually go in and update it.

I edited the setting yet again a week ago to see if I could fix it but it is still broken.

This computer previously ran the free version but when I removed MBAM from a Windows 2000 computer in March of this year, I applied that license to this computer. Perhaps that adds to the problem?


The current schedule is set to update at around 4:30pm  daily and also to recover if missed by every 2 hours repeating every 1 day and wake the computer from sleep to perform the task. I also have it set to notify if the db is 2 days out of date. I do get the notifications that the db is out of date.


I manually updated yesterday at 7am and no sign of the update has appeared since then.


Is my best option to uninstall it and see if it fixes itself?

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  • Root Admin

If you're having issues with the computer waking and applying the update there really isn't much we can do as that is part of power management in Windows and OEM MFG settings.  We just make the call and assuming all is working as it should then it should wake the computer and go out and get the update.  Personally I would recommend simply allowing it to go get the update every 4 hours even while using the computer.  The delta size for the update would then typically remain very small and would be pretty quick.


Yes, if not done so then you might want to try this.  MBAM Clean Removal Process


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Personally I would recommend simply allowing it to go get the update every 4 hours
That is not one of the options in the drop down box. Realtime, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, once and on reboot are the choices.

I've now edited it to hourly to see if it grabs an update.


I do not suspect waking the computer up to get the updates is the problem because even while actively using it, it doesn't grab the updates within the parameters I've selected. We've had the computer on since 12:30pm and either me or my husband has been using it. The last update is still the one from yesterday so it isn't checking every two hours and then hourly if it misses the update.


I'll use it a bit longer and if it fails to update. I'll uninstall it and use the CD I received recently when I purchased the 4th license to reinstall it.

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  • Root Admin

Please click on START and Copy/Paste each of these lines one by one into the RUN command and click OK.

It will remove all the current scheduled updates and scans and setup a schedule to check for updates every 4 hours, then run a scan once per day.


mbam.exe /unschedule /allmbam.exe /schedule /update /silent /hourly /every 4 /starting 09/12/2013 16:25:00 /recover 2mbam.exe /schedule /scan -quick -log -silent -remove -reboot /silent /daily /every 1 /starting 09/12/2013 17:15:00 /recover 23

You can then go into the program to review and verify that the new schedules are there.


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