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malwarebytes freezes during scan - think infected with something

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I'm new here and a novice. My computer is infected. When I boot, it turns itself off, and on the rare occassion when it boots completely, I get the following errors:

Error loading C: Docume~1\locals~1\protect.dll. The specified module could not be found.

Error loading C:\windows\system32\autochek.dll. The specified module could not be found.

In order to boot, I went into my computer and unchecked automatic restart in the recovery setting. I did this so that I can run HiJackthis, AVG and malwarebytes. AVG fixed some problems but I still received the above errors, so I decided to run malwarebytes, full scan. When I ran malwarebytes, full scan ,it froze several times at different places. The last scan froze after 2 hours of scanning. It froze on "my document\David Kidd\Disk 1.id.

What should I do next? I have been working on this for 2 weeks now.

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