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MarwareBytes and Kaspersky Antivirus


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I assume that there are no compatibility issues between MBAM (real_time) and KAV 2009

but it would be nice if i could get a positive confirmation on this question.

I also have got SpywareBlaster and HostsMan ...

Hope this not "overdoing" :D

Thank you in advance for any comment on this subject.

Berny +++

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I'm not running MBAM with it myself (Vista x64 incompatibility), but I've loaded systems with both and they worked fine. Just add MBAM's processes to Kaspersky's trusted applications list so it doesn't slow things down analyzing everything MBAM does. As YoKenny1 commented, you're not overdoing it, look at my setup :D ! I also recently added Bluetack's hosts file into HostsMan as well. I've seen users on occasion have minor issues with Kaspersky detecting MBAM's installer with it's heuristics because it creates a startup service for it's protection module, but as long as you tell Kaspersky to ignore that (which should be simple enough since it's called mbam-setup.exe) everything should be fine.

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Hello again,

Thanks a lot to all for your kind comments.

I also recently added Bluetack's hosts file into HostsMan as well.

When visiting http://www.bluetack.co.uk/forums/index.php i am a bit confused

and can't find where to download their "hosts.zip"-file.

Would be nice if you could provide me a link.

Kaspersky detecting MBAM's installer

KAV says that your MBAM-installer is "clean" :D .

Best regards

Berny +++

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