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Was told that I was using a pirated free copy?

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I had recently seen the update for the latest Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware. I had Version 1.34 installed onto my E:\ Drive. However, it has been on my drive since after my re-install of my OS.

Basically what I am saying,

After installing my latest OS installation, I had not reinstalled the program.

I am guessing I had some leftover registry keys from using the program.

Well, I then installed the latest build to my C:\ it came with an statement of:

You are using a pirated version of this program, etc, etc, etc. (I don't remember the exact error message).


I was wondering if this was a goof, or something else?

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This is an issue that has been happening to a few people since the last update. They are aware of the problem and are working on a fix.

I'm not quite sure what information was sent, but I'm guessing (judging by how other software such as punkbuster identifies a pc) it could be somthing like the serial numbers of the hardware you have installed.

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I don't see an option for editing a post, I would also like to know:

What information was being sent? Other then obviously an IP address.

hey. I'm having the same problem or somewhat similar. Here is what I wrote in another Forum topic.

"Yea! what's going on??? Am I to understand that Malwarebytes has the ability to violate the privacy of my PC and collect information from my pc and save it to their servers? I deleted the trial version of this software because it scared the crap out of me. So exactly what kind of info did Malwarebytes STEAL from my PC illegally? This is very disheartening to say the least to install a program that you assume "has your back" when it comes to protecting your pc from malware. Meanwhile, it has the option to collect information on your pc about you without your control over it? isn't that the main definition for a hacker? or Virus? or Malware or Adware and other nefarious programs?

If this is true then I do believe my rights have been violated. "

Not really worried about the IP Address since you can easily just change IP by resetting your Internet Connection. But what I am concerned about is these people even have an option like this to begin with. I mean are they accessing our files? and searching for email addresses? or bank accounts? home addresses? So even if this whole thing was a glitch....we can assume that due to what they call a "simple glitch" has inadvertently given them reason to ILLEGALLY collect information about you and me without our permission. Very dangerous.

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Thanks Insomniac, sorta just startled me, because I had downloaded the free version of the software. So I didn't think it would be resorting to piracy to use it.

So, I just completely uninstalled it (registry keys, temp data, etc) and then reinstalled with the setup again.

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