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Driver problems and program setup difficulties


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I've had a problem with all my usb drives for almost a week now. Whenever I insert my ipod or wireless mouse adapter vista says it doesn't recognize the hardware I've inserted. The ipod works if I try a different port, and the mouse adapter worked for about five minutes when I tried a different usb drive, but eventually it started to slow down and just stopped.

I've accessed the device manager window since and have updated all usb drives that need updating, but the problem persists.

My second problem isn't major. I accidentally opened the new itunes setup file using adobe reader 9 because using itunes wasn't working. Now every time I download the setup file for itunes it opens with adobe reader 9, but that doesn't work so I need to change it. I'm not sure how to do that.

The current version of itunes I have has also been malfunctioning lately. My library has randomized all my songs and I can't get them back into order. It's not on shuffle.

Anyways if anyone can help me with this that'd be great. I hope these problems aren't all connected to some kind of new virus, otherwise I might be forced to sit down quietly and read.

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