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My previous post in another section (sorry bout that).......

'Hi everyone,

I have used the malwarebytes free program on my own computer and the results were wonderful! Thankyou for such a great product. I have also used it on my fathers computer, (I downloaded from my computer onto a disc cause he didn't have broadband and then loaded onto his computer) and also had great results. My son's problems on the other hand seem to be so deeply entrenched in either viruses, trojans or whatever. There are many problems I am reallly hoping someone can help us with. Firstly, he has paid for the fake antivirus program, which he thinks was called 'spyware guard 2008', and of course it did nothing. Sometime after that happened, no matter what search engine he uses, he can't get to any computer help sites because whatever link he clicks on from the search results, sends him somewhere completely random - even if he types in say 'paper products' for example it takes him to some weird site. If he types say www.malwarebytes.org into his address bar and presses enter it says it can't find the website, numerous times I have tried. I have downloaded the free malwarbytes program onto a disc and tried to install it on his laptop with no results at all. It won't even run at all, but if I use exactly the same disc with the program on my pc - there are no problems. I even tried to go back to a restore point before things started to go wrong, chose the appropriate date, clicked 'next' and nothing happened. I can click on 'cancel' and 'back' which are fine, but not 'next'. I don't know how to give a list of what kind of computer he has and what is on it. Really hoping someone can help us.

Thanks in advance,


ok so malewarebytes still won't run, downloaded from my pc the hijackthis onto a disc - into my son's laptop - won't start either......now what?

Thanks again


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My previous post in another section (sorry bout that).......

'Hi everyone,

I have used the malwarebytes free program on my own computer and the results were wonderful! Thankyou for such a great product. I have also used it on my fathers computer, (I downloaded from my computer onto a disc cause he didn't have broadband and then loaded onto his computer) and also had great results. My son's problems on the other hand seem to be so deeply entrenched in either viruses, trojans or whatever. There are many problems I am reallly hoping someone can help us with. Firstly, he has paid for the fake antivirus program, which he thinks was called 'spyware guard 2008', and of course it did nothing. Sometime after that happened, no matter what search engine he uses, he can't get to any computer help sites because whatever link he clicks on from the search results, sends him somewhere completely random - even if he types in say 'paper products' for example it takes him to some weird site. If he types say www.malwarebytes.org into his address bar and presses enter it says it can't find the website, numerous times I have tried. I have downloaded the free malwarbytes program onto a disc and tried to install it on his laptop with no results at all. It won't even run at all, but if I use exactly the same disc with the program on my pc - there are no problems. I even tried to go back to a restore point before things started to go wrong, chose the appropriate date, clicked 'next' and nothing happened. I can click on 'cancel' and 'back' which are fine, but not 'next'. I don't know how to give a list of what kind of computer he has and what is on it. Really hoping someone can help us.

Thanks in advance,


ok so malewarebytes still won't run, downloaded from my pc the hijackthis onto a disc - into my son's laptop - won't start either......now what?

Thanks again


Just wanted to bump this up - is anyone able to help me with this?


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I have finally been able to install malwarebytes by changing it's name, but I can't get it to run. Does anyone have any ideas how to get around this problem?

Thanks in advance ( I know you're all busy but he's leaving to go to another city tomorrow morningand i'd like to fix it, it's almost 7pm on saturday here)


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