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Hello and welcome, VoidWhisperer: :)


Thanks for your support of the MBAM PRO.



No worries!

No need to buy a 2nd license, UNLESS you want to run MBAM PRO on both rigs.


This KB topic explains how to transfer your license:

How do I transfer a licensed Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO to my new computer?


Please post back and let us know if that resolved your issue.





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Hi, VoidWhisperer:


Unfortunately, the other member's well-intentioned advice is not correct. (EDIT: RonnieM has edited his post to remove the inaccurate information. Thank you.)


One needs to follow the process described in the link I provided, including the use of mbam-clean (the cleanup tool), in order to remove licensing information from the old computer.


Please follow the advice in this KB topic, as previously suggested: How do I transfer a licensed Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO to my new computer?


(And, of course, if you want to run MBAM PRO on both rigs, you will need to buy a second license for that rig. Consumer licenses for home use are currently "lifetime", with no renewal fee. However, as you know, the consumer license is currently for only 1 rig at a time :).)


Thanks for your support and understanding,



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@ VoidWhisperer:


In order to avoid potential license/activation/blacklisting issues, please follow the official, posted instructions to cleanly remove MBAM PRO using the cleanup tool, as described in the links provided in my earlier replies.


Thanks very much for your patience and understanding and for your support of MBAM PRO.


Kind regards,



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Just to clear some things up a little.....

If you perform ONLY an uninstall from the Control Panel, this will leave your license information intact in the registry. If you were to re-install Malwarebytes FREE once again, since the registration info is still in the registry it will automatically activate it and become the PRO version. Since you "Transferred" your license to the other computer and activated it, in essence you are now running Malwarebytes Pro on both computers with the same license (which is against the EULA). That would eventually cause the ID and KEY to get blacklisted and both computers would fail when trying to run Malwarebytes PRO features. (basically both computers would revert back to the free version)

To avoid this situation this is the reason we have you follow the instructions in the KB article provide above by daledoc1 to run the MBAM Clean tool, which would remove all traces of Malwarebytes on the first computer including the license information. This way you can have the PRO version running on the new computer (fully activated) and the Free Version (should you wish to re-install) on the old computer and therefore actually transferring your license.

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