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When the feds come knocking: The tale of a Utah ISP, a secret court order, and a little black box


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When the feds come knocking: The tale of a Utah ISP, a secret court order, and a little black box


Summary: When the NSA secures a secret FISA court warrant to tap into a customer's data, what can the ISP do? Not much, one ISP owner said, who came forward to tell his story.


By Zack Whittaker for Zero Day |

 July 21, 2013 -- 21:04 GMT (14:04 PDT)



(Image: CNET)


A secret court, based in a small, soundproof, and secured room in the E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse in Washington, D.C., meets regularly to decide on new and renew existing federal surveillance orders.


Over the course of the last month and a half, the world has begun to find out more about this shadowy court, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), which was set up in 1978 under its namesake law, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). FISA authorizes some of the U.S. government's most secretive programs, including wiretapping and domestic surveillance.


Former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor turned whistleblower Edward Snowden's leaks brought to light some details, albeit not many, relating to these secretive warrants and orders handed down by the court.


But little did we know of logistics; specifically, how they are handed to companies that hold data on terrorism suspects and foreign spies who are living and working in the United States. It was unclear how such orders remained secret, whose hands exchanged these secretive orders, and how complicit Internet providers and Web companies holding this data were in the collection of vast amounts of citizen data.


Until Friday, when the chief executive of one Utah-based Internet service provider (ISP) spoke out. (More...)


Continued at: http://www.zdnet.com/when-the-feds-come-knocking-the-tale-of-a-utah-isp-a-secret-court-order-and-a-little-black-box-7000018341/



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There has been instances in the past where intelligence agencies have used animals with microphones and 1 camera eye actually implanted in the animals to spy on people, the first instance of this story was from about 1960 that I have herd of.

I often wonder if they have ever created something like pigeons and squirrels with WiFi tails , set them free out side an enemy embassy and let them get to work, hmmm maybe not but the first bits true. 

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The CIA did try to implant a "bug" in a cat.  It failed and wasn't attempted again. 


True story - One of the cable channels ran a series on SPIES and their tools, etc.. The cat was one of the ones that was shown. It failed as almost anyone should have known if they had ever asked a cat owner on getting a cat to do anything... :P:D:lol:



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