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I am a new user (as of today) of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (PRO) on 2 machines. Thanks for the excellent response on my prior post. Sadly, I have another question.


On my Lenovo Ideapad Y510 the full scan takes a very very long time and also appears to freeze (and then begin again). It is now at 2 hours 23 minutes and 42 seconds -- not moving (21000+ objects scanned). I almost shut down thinking it was completely frozen at 1 hour and 34 minutes, but then it started in again.


Is it normal for the system to stay on one "time" (e.g. 2: 23: 42) for many minutes at a time? Or is this an indication of other possibly serious problems with my hardware or software?


Thanks so much for the excellent help.



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  • Root Admin

Yes it is normal. Often the system is computing thousands of things and the memory needs to be paged to disk to continue.  It also has to do an analysis on the data to decide if it is a threat and then log that or not.  The speed of a computer as well as the amount of folders and files also makes a difference.


Unless you have half a million files or a very slow computer then generally speaking it should be able to complete a full scan within a few hours.

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With v1.75 there is a new paradigm.  That is scanning ZIP, RAR, 7z, CAB and MSI archives and well as various Self Extracting archives (aka; SFX).  Since they can contain many files, the MBAM Engine has to extract and scan each file and the archive file will count as only one file no matter how many files the archive contains.  Therefore the scans take longer and, at times, appear to stall on a file when in fact one file may represent many files.

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yep ... i have seen similar behavior with similar products on certain machines .

the actual speed of the cpu , ram and a few other factors play a part in how fast tasks are accomplished .

the specifications of the OP's machine are here : http://www.cnet.com/laptops/lenovo-ideapad-y510/4507-3121_7-32815684.html

a 1.6 GHz dual core cpu is not blazingly fast by the standards and requirements of today ... programs are more "involved" and more "horsepower" is needed to accomplish tasks quickly .

the rest of the specs were pretty much state of the art when the machine was built .


another item that has an effect on how fast a scan is run is how many tasks are running in the background , what they are doing , what they require as far as ram and cpu time .

also ... machines that do not have a dedicated graphics processor utilize cpu time and ram to "run the display" ... this slows a machine down .

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