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Black screen and unable to start computer after running Malwarebytes

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I ran Malwarebytes and removed the infected files that it showed.

Now, when I try restarting my computer, I get a black screen, (although the cursor seems to work)
When I try running it in safe mode, it does start up

How can I fix this?
What info do you need me to provide and where can I find it?


Thank you very much

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Hello and welcome, ehowa: :)


Sorry you are having restarting your computer after malware removal.

Some of today's nasty rootkits & other infections can cause serious damage to the computer's OS.


Please follow the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A qualified helper will guide you through the cleanup & repair process.


As you likely won't be able to run DDS -- as requested in the pinned topic linked above -- just go ahead and start  a new post in the malware removal section anyway, explaining the situation and/or including a link back to this post.



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