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Malwarebytes & Webroot A-V/Spy+Firewall


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I need advice to help decide whether to purchase Malwarebytes; whether to renew Webroot Anti-Virus/Spyware + Firewall (runs with Ad-Aware/AE); & if not Webroot, which AV is best.

History: Orig AV was TrendMicro (ran Webroot Spysweeper, Ad-Aware & Spybot 1x/mo.), & switched AV when Webroot offered AV & firewall. Windows Firewall is enabled, scan all downloads first, & browser security is set high. Had trouble with A-A's Anniversary Ed. (ID'd trojan as false positive & autoservice took up 100% of resources - now disabled). Followed BleepingComputer instructions to clean, including uninstalling unused programs, use CCleaner & UltraDefrag, then scan with Malwarebytes (no malware). Webroot (AV/Spy/Firewall), A-A/AE, & Malwarebytes are now running fine together.

System: Laptop OS is XP/Home with 2GH of RAM; use MS Word/Excel & Firefox (unless necessary to update MS). I'm NOT a gamer! :(


1. If I purchase Malwarebytes, do I NEED another AV + firewall?

2. If not, is Malwarebytes + Ad-Aware/AE sufficient protection with Windows Firewall enabled?

3. If yes, does anyone recommend Webroot's products (never see it mentioned)?

4. If don't recommend Webroot, which AV would work best with Malwarebytes & A-A/AE?

Thank you very much! :)

MomsHugs (aka Eve)

[blog: MomsHugs ]

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I'm sure you know that most around here will recommend purchasing Malwarebytes' (for obvious reasons :( ). Aside from that, I really don't like Webroot's products too much. They've always been resource hogs and have often caused issues with other software (not just security software either). I say this from lots of experience as I used to be a PC tech for several years for a certain big box retailer that installs SpySweeper or SpySweeper with Anti-Virus on every system they can. For an AV I'd use Kaspersky (my preference) or NOD32 if you're paying for it, if you want a good free AV then go with Avira (first choice for free AV) or Avast. I don't really recommend Ad-aware anymore either due to the fact that they seem to have lost their touch with keeping up with the latest threats. Instead I'd use MBAM and some good passive protection like Spybot Search & Destroy's immunize function (just don't use TeaTimer) and Spywareblaster as well as HostsMan.

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If I purchase Malwarebytes, do I NEED another AV + firewall?

I believe you are confusing Malwarebytes with anti-virus programs, Which it is not

You still need a firewall and A-V

There are several alternatives out there, many are free.

I do not know the proper protocol for posting various links

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Exile360: Thank you for clarifying the big box deal. You are right about that & it being a resource hog, which is the reason I dumped Norton when I bought this laptop. Also thanks for recommending alternatives.

GrandpaG: Thanks for clarifying that Malwarebytes isn't A-V. Frankly, 'malware' is now a ubiquitous term that covers any software code that's malicious, much like Kleenex covers any tissue even though its a brand of tissue.

Malwarebytes: Maybe you could clarify that you do NOT provide A-V protection.

Really appreciate the help, guys! :D

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You're very welcome. While it's true that malware does refer to any malicious software, there really isn't any adequate term to be used for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware because in some cases it does actually remove viruses, but not only viruses, also rootkits, adware, trojans, worms and spyware. The reason it's not an AV is because it isn't a normal file scanner and doesn't use the same types of detection methods as AV's plus the fact that it is made to target the newest infections of any kind that are currently NOT being detected and/or removed by the majority of AV's. It's a very powerful niche tool, but it has no specific type of infection that it targets like anti-virus, anti-spyware, and anti-trojan softwares do, hence the name "Anti-Malware". A bit confusing, but I can't think of any better way to describe what it is and what it does. Perhaps "Ultimate Fill in the Gaps Your Other Security Software Misses Tool" :D . Of course, it's a lot easier to type MBAM than UFGYOSSMT :D .

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