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Certificate out of date

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I recently wanted to run a scan with Malwarebytes, but when I was asked if I wanted to allow the program to make changes to my computer, I noticed the certification was out of date, so I didn't allow it.  Instead, I uninstalled Malwarebytes & downloaded it afresh, thinking that this would solve the problem: it didn't.  I was wondering if you are aware that the certificate is outdated?  If so, why?  Is it safe to run the scan, please?

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  • Root Admin

Actually this turns out to be normal behavior.  Meaning that the software at the time it was written was signed and is valid.  You'll actually find Microsoft software with the same issue but again it's normal.  The software is signed and is safe.  Future versions of software builds from any vendor will typically have a new certificate date that will eventually also expire but that does not mean the software in no longer signed or valid as it is/was at the time the software was written and signed and on Windows 7/8 it will still pass the UAC (User Account Control) because it is signed.


Thank you

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Thanx Ron.


I guess one may falsely presume that with each new version a new Publisher's Certificate would be embedded.  But apparently that's not the case as there would then be a need for many Certificates.  Instead, one certificate covers a spectrum of versions until the certificate's expiration and then the next new distribution installer would use the new Publisher's Certificate.

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