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Strange Folder called "Hacknet"

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So a while ago (maybe 1 or 2 years ago), a classmate and friend of mine downloaded this thing called "Hacknet" on my computer. I asked him what it was, because the name itself was suspicious, but he assured me it was nothing dangerous, and that he was just using it for gaming. I didn't question him further. He likes to play games a lot, and often uses my computer to play League of Legends. However, he doesn't seem to have any other interest in my computer besides gaming. I've looked in the folder a number of times, and there are some strange things in there. The only things I can read are .txt files, but there are numerous .xnb files. The .txt files have really strange chat logs and messages on them. I really doubt they belong to my friend. I tried googling "Hacknet" but it's either very very obscure or an alias.


I don't think it's done anything bad to my computer, but I just don't feel comfortable having it around... I was wondering if anyone could take a look and...analyze it for me? I'm not sure what to do. I don't know what .xnb files are, and I don't think I have a program that can open them. I'll attach the Hacknet zip folder. Sorry about all this description.


I just checked again, and there's a .doc file that suggests that Hacknet is an actual licensed program... And there's also a Hacknet .exe file...which I don't really want to try out... This was already in the folder, but I must have forgotten about it.

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