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Run-time error '-2147024769 (8007007f)': Automation error The specified procedure could not be found

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My computer had been running sluggishly before it began giving me random "Blue Screens of Death"


I pulled out a few memory chips that i thought might be the problem and the BSOD's stopped all together. But now when I try to open Malware Anti malware i get a window with this message


Run-time error '-2147024769 (8007007f)': Automation error The specified procedure could not be found


I ran super anti spyware and spybot search and destroy a few times a piece and it came up clean.


I reinstalled windows using the repair option (as opposed to the full install)


I ran the anti rootkit but it crashed. then the second time i ran it it said "scan finished: No malware found!"


I ran fixdamage.exe


but still the same error message when i try and open malwarebytes.


I am running windows XP (3)


any ideas?

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  • Root Admin

Hello and :welcome:



Please run the following scanner and send back the logs.

Download DDS from one of the locations below and save to your Desktop

Temporarily disable any script blocker if your Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware has it.
How To Temporarily Disable Your Anti-virus, Firewall And Anti-malware Programs

Once downloaded you can disconnect from the Internet and disable your Ant-Virus temporarily if needed.
Then double click dds.scr or dds.com to run the tool.
Click the Run button if prompted with an Open File - Security Warning dialog box.
A black DOS console should open and run for a moment. 

  • When done, DDS will open two (2) logs:
  • DDS.txt
  • Attach.txt
  • Save both reports to your desktop
  • Please include the following logs in your next reply as an attachment: DDS.txt and Attach.txt
    You can ignore the note about zipping the Attach.txt file






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  • Root Admin

The system appears to probably be infected or in encountering severe software conflicts.


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.

Basically either posts your logs there or reference them here in a new topic in that other forum.


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