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WinPc Defender HELP needed PLEASE!!!

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Oh Lord! Do I need help. One of the computers at work has Win Pc Defender on it. It constantly pops up windows and wants me to install (and pay for) it's program remove viruses. I've dealt with a similar kind of thing a few months ago and Malwarebyte's Anti Malware worked great to remove it. BUT, this time, Winpc Defender seems to be blocking Anti Malware from running. Frankly, i don't even know if it was able to install correctly, as that process looked to also lock up a the end. I tried to reboot XP into safe mode and run it from there but that didn't work either. I tried to run anti malware from a flash drive instead, and that didn't work. How do I get rid of this darm thing? Can anyone help?


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Please follow these instructions (skipping any steps you are unable to complete) for posting in our Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum. If you cannot follow any of those steps, then please create a new topic in that forum explaining what happened when you tried to run each of the tools in the instructions, and the expert who helps you will be able to suggest steps to take to get the tools working.

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Oh Lord! Do I need help. One of the computers at work has Win Pc Defender on it. It constantly pops up windows and wants me to install (and pay for) it's program remove viruses. I've dealt with a similar kind of thing a few months ago and Malwarebyte's Anti Malware worked great to remove it. BUT, this time, Winpc Defender seems to be blocking Anti Malware from running. Frankly, i don't even know if it was able to install correctly, as that process looked to also lock up a the end. I tried to reboot XP into safe mode and run it from there but that didn't work either. I tried to run anti malware from a flash drive instead, and that didn't work. How do I get rid of this darm thing? Can anyone help?



I had that once. I had to reformat my computer. It disabled Task Manager and didn't allow programs to run. If you figure out a way to get rid of it without reformatting, please tell.

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