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MBAM Extended Download

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Hello everybody.


I need more details about the Extended Download, (option we can choose in addition of MBAM) because i don't know exactly what is his utility.


To install MBAM, i just need a free version and activate it with the ID and key given in my email ? So, even if my computer

coming to crash, i will just download a free version of MBAM on internet and "let's go". No ?

So, what the "Extended Download" does it serve ?



Thanks for your help... hope there are. :lol:

Best regards.


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Hello and :welcome:


Some folks feel more comfortable having the extended download that they can come back to and re-download the software if they need to.  In my opinion there is no need for it.


You are correct, once you have your ID and Key you can just download the free version anytime you like and then activate it.  Remember the consumer license is good for only one computer and can be transferred from one computer to another.  Also at this time the consumer license is a life time license.

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Hello Firefox, thank you. :)



Some folks feel more comfortable having the extended download that they can come back to and re-download the software if they need to.  In my opinion there is no need for it.


Oh, i was sure.

I didn't know it, before having my mail, indicating : "Si vous n'avez pas encore installé Malwarebytes, vous pouvez le télécharger ci-haut."/ "If you have not yet installed Malwarebytes, you can download above." (the same i can found on the net)


Too bad, but i will enquire more the next time...


Thanks a lot for all these informations and details.

Have a nice day.


Salutations de France.

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