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Heya, I've recently been infected by this "trojan.ransom.ed" and I have managed to remove all malicious infections on my computer including this random trojan. I'm currently having a problem with the aftermath as I hadn't realised it encrypted most of my files, and alot of them in which I need. Is there any possible way to decrypt them? Thank you for reading anyway.

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Sadly my images ext have been converted to HPTSMSMVP.JPG and wont open and it does not require me to enter a password :/ all my notepad docs have been encrypted too for example - øÒRt˜=‘÷î…ü»p ítž·)Wáv º‹n+Š„¥tG¯¶ÏzçôžÑ×yÐ_gDI)öÉØlG(æ³Bà  =~CR~ - that was a GIF link I had stored and now its encrypted :((

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Glad we could help. :)

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