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Malwarebytes locks up 98% of my cpu resources

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About a month ago I tried to use the free version of Malwarebytes to debug my computer.  I had issues installing and running it without it locking up 99% of my resources.  After a number of downloads and installations I was able to get it running and scanning.  I have since upgraded to a full version, but am back where I started.  When Malwarebytes is running, it's listed as using 119,000k Mem Usage and 97 to 99% CPU.  I try to run a scan and the whole system bogs down, screens take forever to open, and if I can actually get it to the point where the malwarebytes screen open and I can hit the scan button it takes about 4 minutes to see any scanning progress and appears to be scanning at about 100 items per minute, and makes the rest of the computer completely useless.  My system meets the minimum reqs easily and I don't have any issues running other types of scanning software.


I have run Chameleon to see if there is something blocking it and all the chameleon tests seemed to go fine and no DOS window ever popped up, nor has Malwarebytes run any better.


I would like to be able to use the product I purchased.  Any help or ideas are appreciated.

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Hello and :welcome:

Sorry your having issues running Malwarebytes... Lets see if we can find a solution for you, but in order to do that you will have to provide the logs below.... Also what antivirus software are you using?

Please run the tools below and ATTACH (do not copy and paste) the logs so someone can better assist you.

Please post an mbam-check log:

Create an mbam-check log:

  • Download mbam-check.exe from here and save it to your desktop
  • Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it, it should then open a log file
  • Please attach the CheckResults.txt file which should now be located on your desktop to your next reply

Please run the following scanner and send back the logs.

Download DDS from one of the locations below and save to your Desktop



Temporarily disable any script blocker if your Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware has it.

How To Temporarily Disable Your Anti-virus, Firewall And Anti-malware Programs

Once downloaded you can disconnect from the Internet and disable your Ant-Virus temporarily if needed.

Then double click dds.scr or dds.com to run the tool

Click the Run button if prompted with an Open File - Security Warning dialog box.

A black DOS console should open and run for a moment.

  • When done, DDS will open two (2) logs:
    • DDS.txt
    • Attach.txt
  • Save both reports to your desktop
  • Please include the following logs in your next reply: DDS.txt and Attach.txt

    You can ignore the note about zipping the Attach.txt file in most cases.

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There was a lengthy thread on the subject of "High CPU" back in April (http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=124857&page=1). The part of issue was caused by the Website blocking database that cause others like me to have the CPU pegged at 100% for 10-12 minutes was resolved. My CPU still pegs at 100% for 1-2 minutes during databased updates and about 1 minute when the Website Blocking service is activated. During those times, the PC is unusable. Granted, my machine is old, a WinXP, 1800Mhz single core, 1GB ram. But, I can tell you that I don't have any other piece of software on my PC that is as big a CPU hog consuming as much CPU and RAM as Malwarebytes. I just chalk it up to poor programming and development practices.


As far as I know the issue was never resolved. You didn't mention your hardware configuration, e.g. CPU, RAM, OS version, etc.

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Yes there is that thread, but with the OP providing the logs I am asking for will give us a little more info to make sure its the same issue or if there is something else going on.

docmxb you can always try and disable the web blocker to see if it helps but like I said its best to provide the logs....

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