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Hi, Deximal:


Only MysteryFCM or one of the other qualified staffers can respond to you directly about that specific IP range block. :(


Until he returns, here are some KB topics that explain the IP blocking module:

What does it mean when I get an IP alert about blocking a 'malicious' site?

How do you determine when an IP\website is malicious?


Thanks for your patience,



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Hi, Deximal:


Only MysteryFCM or one of the other qualified staffers can respond to you directly about that specific IP range block. :(


Until he returns, here are some KB topics that explain the IP blocking module:

What does it mean when I get an IP alert about blocking a 'malicious' site?

How do you determine when an IP\website is malicious?


Thanks for your patience,



Okay, thank you for your help, I guess I will have to await a response from a staf member then. Will definitely check out those links in the meantime. :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for missing your replies.


The issue is on-going problem with Voxility (the AS that owns the IP range this IP belongs to) and their refusal to both terminate existing malicious users, and their failure to prevent new cases.


I will however, have an exception made in this case, as there is no malicious content currently present on the site housed on the IP.

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