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In this instance there are two options available to you.


To perform the upgrade you just need to perform a push install to those clients.

The software will install on top of the current installation upgrading it to the latest version.


However, we recommend that you first uninstall the client software before pushing the newer version out.

This is not necessary but the idea here is to reduce the chance of possible negative effects.


Please let me know if you would like further details.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have a similar situation.  We installed Pro Trial prior to ordering our 500 license Enterprise edition.  Now that I have the Enterprise edition running, any machine that has Pro Trial installed will not update the database, application or run my scan schedule.  Only after manually removing the Pro Trial from the machine and pushing the Enterprise to the client will the Enterprise version work properly.


It would be a nice feature if the program had an option for removing old/other versions during the push operation.  Since it does not have this feature, I will have to touch 300+ machines to remove Pro Trial just to get our Enterprise version to function correctly on all our machines.


Had I known this prior to installing the Pro Trial, I would told our tech team to wait until I had the license (or even trial version) of Enterprise running.


For anyone thinking of installing Pro  and maybe upgrading to Enterprise, I would recommend going ahead with Enterprise trial and not installing Pro.

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We do have a clean removal tool, which can be downloaded from the link below.


With this exe you can use /silent or you could use /silentnoreboot.

Then you could use a deployment tool to remove all those pro installations.

The computers will require a reboot but this will most likely speed up the process for you.

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