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It would be nice

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Just a thought, but it would be nice if you guys mentioned it here on the forums when new updates for this beta come out, this way we don't have to keep checking the main site for updated versions.....

Current version is now, but now sure when it came out....

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I do not always make it to the software updates section myself, usually cause I keep my computer updated, plus a lot of software there I don't use....

That being said, now that we have dedicated sections for all the products, I think here would be the best place to post it.....

Just my thoughts....

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Just a thought, but it would be nice if you guys mentioned it here on the forums when new updates for this beta come out, this way we don't have to keep checking the main site for updated versions.....

Current version is now, but now sure when it came out....


If you just FOLLOW my MBAR topic (in SOFTWARE SECURITY) you don't have to visit all the topics there. Version MBAR Beta with an expiry of 8/15/2013 was released at 10:30 ET last night, the 22nd...




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Well Sam, when you put it that way, I suppose your correct... If fighting an infection its always a good idea to use the latest anyway, so looking for the latest version to download would be a good idea....


I keep the tools I use to clean a computer on a 'write' protected USB flash drive (this prevents the infection from transferring to my flash drive) so keeping track of the updated versions here would just make it easier on my part, but no biggie I can continue to look for the updated version myself.

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Well Sam, when you put it that way, I suppose your correct... If fighting an infection its always a good idea to use the latest anyway, so looking for the latest version to download would be a good idea....


I keep the tools I use to clean a computer on a 'write' protected USB flash drive (this prevents the infection from transferring to my flash drive) so keeping track of the updated versions here would just make it easier on my part, but no biggie I can continue to look for the updated version myself.


FF; see my PM



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Well Sam, when you put it that way, I suppose your correct... If fighting an infection its always a good idea to use the latest anyway, so looking for the latest version to download would be a good idea....


I keep the tools I use to clean a computer on a 'write' protected USB flash drive (this prevents the infection from transferring to my flash drive) so keeping track of the updated versions here would just make it easier on my part, but no biggie I can continue to look for the updated version myself.

Hehe, yeah, back when I was a tech, I actually had a batch file I'd created which deleted all of my existing copies of my tools then used WGET to grab fresh copies of them all and place them in their appropriate folders on my techbench PC. I updated it daily and just copied it over to my flash drive after each daily update and also updated my ISO image of the folder structure (using UltraISO) for making my CD(s)/DVD(s) out of it (which also included some bootable utilities for malware removal and diagnostics, my techie tools were pretty hardcore :P). I also used the ISO for my U3 flash drive (it replaced the U3 software with a CD image which was bootable and of my own design as described above).

I used to be obsessed with creating and maintaining the 'ultimate toolkit', although the tricky part was finding tools which were not prohibited for commercial use, as most products had EULAs restricting that (thankfully many of the community developed tools had no such restrictions, aside from ComboFix of course).

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LOL, yeah I pretty much have done the same though out the years... Heck the folder on my flash drive is still called Tech CD even though its no longer a CD, just makes it easier to leave the name alone so my batch files don't break....

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