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I noticed after browsing around in my search engine yesterday (FireFox, yahoo search) My yahoo search looked messed up. when u search a site it takes you to a advertising site. I had this issue once before, I was told it was Malware infecting my browser..I was instrued to DL Malwarebytes & disable 3rd party sites. That worked for that issue. But this time I wasnt even able to OPEN malwareBytes. I was able to do virus check with my Pclllen software & pulled up nothing both in normal & safe mode. I have done a system restore, that did not work. I eventually found how to open Malware bytes by creating a short cut & changing its name(seems this virus affects certain programs u try & lanuch). I ran a full scan with malwareBytes with no success of catching the virus. When I am in Normal mode, my PC will shut down & I get the horrible blue screen of death that reads: River_Irql_not_less_or equal. So i know there is still something invading my PC even though my virus software is not picking it up. I really dont want to go through the trouble of uninstalling windows & re loading windows..Any advice?? Please help.

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Please follow these instructions (skipping any steps you are unable to complete) for posting in our Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum. If you cannot follow any of those steps, then please create a new topic in that forum explaining what happened when you tried to run each of the tools in the instructions, and the expert who helps you will be able to suggest steps to take to get the tools working.

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Please follow these instructions (skipping any steps you are unable to complete) for posting in our Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum. If you cannot follow any of those steps, then please create a new topic in that forum explaining what happened when you tried to run each of the tools in the instructions, and the expert who helps you will be able to suggest steps to take to get the tools working.

I was unalble to Run Hijack this. Please see new post. Thanks for the help.


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