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Window XP is unable to monitor Malwarebytes

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The Windows XP Security Center doesn't monitor Anti-Malware applications. Only Anti-Virus and Firewall applications. Also, it only does it when the programs support integration with the Security Center (which is actually completely useless, and ignored 99% of the time).

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The Windows XP Security Center doesn't monitor Anti-Malware applications. Only Anti-Virus and Firewall applications. Also, it only does it when the programs support integration with the Security Center (which is actually completely useless, and ignored 99% of the time).

Plus it has to be a Microsoft approved application B)

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True GT, digital signatures cost money, btw, if that's a big hurdle for the devs making MBAM x64 compatible, just ask and I'll make a donation (as much as I can at least). Stoopid Microsoft (well, not exactly stupid, actually very smart, just a bit on the greedy side B) ).

I don't think Marcin is having issues with money. He wouldn't have hired Tom and myself if he was. B)

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