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Hi, This is probably the most stupid question you've had on the forum B) , but I have been using Malwarebytes for about 4 months now and from day one up until this evening it has not found one bit of malware. Now I know this should be good news, but I also use Spybot and AD-Adware and although they do not find much, they do find one or two bits every now and again, especialy the first time I ran them.

So my question is, is this normal or should I play about with the settings?

Don't all shoot me down at once. :)



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The only stupid question is one not asked B)

That seems normal to me. Malwarebytes was designed to catch specific infections, and to do it in a specific way.

Spybot and Ad-Aware always catch little things... Malwarebytes wont because it is looking for certain things...kind of like a bounty hunter...It only hunts things it is supposed to. Everything else is a waste of its time :)

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I'd be wiling to bet most of what Ad-Aware & Spybot find are cookies? If so, MBAM does not scan for cookies. They are simple text files and thus cannot harm your computer. We figure it's best to scan for the important stuff as opposed to pad our detection database with text files.

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Spybot and Ad-Aware always catch little things
I'd be wiling to bet most of what Ad-Aware & Spybot find are cookies? If so, MBAM does not scan for cookies. They are simple text files and thus cannot harm your computer. We figure it's best to scan for the important stuff as opposed to pad our detection database with text files.

LOL That's what I meant...only in more detail B)

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LOL That's what I meant...only in more detail B)
I think it's important for users to know that fact. People panic as it is when they see some things and cookies are just nothing to ever worry about.
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I think it's important for users to know that fact. People panic as it is when they see some things and cookies are just nothing to ever worry about.

Thanks guys, I thought I had nohing to worry about, but you read about so many horror stories (ID theft, trojans etc), and that we have to protect our pc's, so I just wanted to check that everything is working as it should.



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