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A password that i set and used for some time failed to work. cant do anything that is pass word protected. At the same time when i run scans i get the same 6 infections even though Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.70 says all infections have been removed. How can i checked to see if Malwarebytes Anti-Male 1.7 is corrupted?

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Hello and welcome, bobbybluesman48: :)

You don't mention what sort of password you are talking about -- for MBAM, for another program, for something else?

Also, the current version of MBAM is actually 1.75.

If you're having trouble updating or running it, it might be due to the malware infection you mention.

Malware could also be changing permissions on your system, which is why you are having trouble with password-protected functions.

In any event, having said all that.... :)

>>>Please follow the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

A qualified helper will guide you through the scanning and cleanup process, as well as with getting MBAM updated and running.



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