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Increase in Malicious IP Blocking Notifications


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I have MBAM pro still on several computers. They are all going crazy with mutiple IP Block notices (lower right corner) in any web browser going to very reputable news sites - reuters.com, nytimes.com, ... that I have been going to daily for years without getting these notifications. This has all been happening to all my computers with MBAM Pro for the last few days - since this whole Bad Update mess happened. I have ran all kinds of full scans with virus and spyware software - all find nothing.

Why has this IP Blocking activity happened suddenly? Is it related to the bad update? I have been reading through the forums and I seem to see that many others are experiencing this same problem for the last few days.

Can anyone shed any light on this? For now, I had to disable the notifications of Malicious IP Blocking activity as it is really annoying and quite disconcerting.

I hope that Malwarebytes can recover from this major mess - but if the Malicious IP Blocking problem isn't resolved (or at least addressed in some real way - other than saying it is just due to ad serving on sites) soon - people will uninstall the software. As good as the software is, people are reeling at this point with the mess of not being able to startup their systems and then after finally getting everything back - we are getting a slew of Malicious IP Blocking Activity being reported - ON CLEAN SYSTEMS.

The only logical conclusion is that there is either a problem with Malwarebytes or the word wide web has had some astronomical increase in malicious IP activity in the last few days which has not been reported anywhere else as far as I know.

I hope that someone can address this very disconcerting issue.

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