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Is this file part of my OS?

is it infected? :P

can I clean the file without deleting it? :P

it's probably False positive because me Avira Antivir say it's clean.. :P

any help is welcomed ... thank you :)

P.S. I did run dev mod as suggested and attached the Log .. hope you can help me with that B)

Always a good idea with any suspect files to upload the suspect file to VirusTotal service for 39 second opinions.


Can you please copy and paste a link to the scan report page generated.

Thanks in advance :)

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Many thanks for uploading your sample :)

I can confirm that this is a genuine detection by MBAM and not a F/P after prelimary analysis.

Here's some handy pointers since the file has faked Microsoft information attached to it and at first glance would appear genuine.

VirusTotal Report was inconclusive as only PX flagged the file but simple google search of MD5 returns 0 results.


This is totally irregular for a Microsoft genuine file and the first clear indicator all is not what it seems B)

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MBAM does not detect the file anymore !!!

maby detection was removed with the update !!

the file is still in C:/windows/system32 ..

detection for the file was removed and MBAM no longer detect the file !!

should I delete it manually ?

if so, make shore to add it back to the detection file.

what does MD5 mean anyway?


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MBAM does not detect the file anymore !!!

maby detection was removed with the update !!

the file is still in C:/windows/system32 ..

detection for the file was removed and MBAM no longer detect the file !!

should I delete it manually ?

if so, make shore to add it back to the detection file.

what does MD5 mean anyway?



In laymans terms it is a tool for indexing files by generating a value unique to that particular file.

Here's the Wiki for MD5


If you look at the bottom of the virustotal report amongst other data there will always be a MD5 generated value for the uploaded file.

As far as the target file goes then it is safe to manually delete it if you know how too and it was removed from being flagged by MBAM until we could investigate it further and determine whether it was f/p or not B)

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