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Was out searching for an innocous topic and Malwarebytes started going crazy on my Win7 laptop saying it was detecting threat after threat. I could not get these errors to stop and I can't open the product. In fact, I can't open any product...IE doesn't work, Firefox doesn't work, even in Safe mode w/networking. With firefox for example ikt says that the program can't start because WINMM.dll is missing from my computer. Couldn't load xpcom.

When I try to run mwarbytes it says that mbam.exe is gone, and it is not in its folder.

Now what? I really need to use this machine asap tonight... sigh. I had Malwarebytes installed with the latest version along with Avast, and neither protected against this.

Can someone also tell me, is it safe to use a USB stick and copy files from my desktop (uninfected) to the stick to the laptop w/out the risk of infecting my desktop? I'm not sure how else to get files over there.Nothing I try to run on my laptop actually runs... for example, running excel tells me that it can't start because MS09.dll is missing.

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Thanks, I just saw the other threads. Unfortunately it quaratined MBAM. Guess I'll have to try to put it over there to my laptop from a stick.

Does anyone know the answer to my question...is it safe to use a USB stick and copy files from my desktop (uninfected) to the stick to the laptop w/out the risk of infecting my desktop? I'm not sure how else to get files over there.Nothing I try to run on my laptop actually runs... for example, running excel tells me that it can't start because MS09.dll is missing. I just was wondering if doing things this way exposes me to risk.

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I was able to copy malwarebytes over to the hosed laptop using a USB stick. It installed ok, but when I go into quarantine I see 244 files. I select "restore all" it gives me the "Are you sure" prompt and when I say yes nothing happens. I've tried uninstalling it again and reinstalling.. same behavior. HELP!!!!

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If you can use the laptop, another user reported that re-running mbam-setup.exe from ProgramData folder (a hidden folder usually right underneath Program Files on your System drive) will reinstall MBAM so you can restore all items in the quarantine.

Do not reboot! unless you get it successfully reinstalled and are able to restore everything in the quarantine.

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