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Why should I buy this?

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I'm not trying to be a jerk, but with all the antimalware software available to me, why should I shell out 25 bucks of my hard earned money for this one in particular.

I have read numerous glowing reviews of this product (and several horrible ones), but personal reviews are anecdotal. I am looking for hard evidence that this is the "best".

So basically why should I buy this product, what sets it apart from the rest, how effective is it, ect....

Instead of personal reviews, I would like to see actual tests containing an abstract, methods and material, results, and the like, but since those are far and few between (and usually biased towards those who pay more money), I just want to know I am getting a good deal on a quality hunk of software (ex: not a rouge or other junk).


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and there are many more of them, what i think makes this the best product iv seen is the following.

We are a PC servicing shop that repairs up to 100 pc's a week, and most are infected with spyware and add aware.

we use and recommend to ALL our Customers to use this product (i don't work for them)

secondly it is the only product that has many updates in a day, so the removal and coverage of new and hard to get removed items are better than the weekly updated products.

we see people bringing PC's with spyboot and adware tools on it and they know theres an issue on there pc but they just cannot

find what it is (and those tools i just said show zero issues), but run malwarebites on them, and bingo... normally finds, cleans , and everyone is very happy,

and we tell everyone about it, and recommend them to purchase, as i can openly say in my 23+ years as a tech and a business owner iv not seen a product like it.

they are my thoughts, and not malwarebites thoughts, and remember we see big companies products miss alot of the spyware on PC's

in our shop, so all ill say is its the best.

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