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Computer can't boot from disk or system restore on start up

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I have an HP Pavilion a1310 and I'm trying to reformat it, the thing is though when I insert the disk in the hp in windows or before boot up it doesn't read.

It comes up as a blank even though when I insert it into a vista laptop or my Vaio Xp desktop I can see the Hp disk.

If I hit f10 on boot up nothing happens, if I have the disk inside and hit esc to go to boot menu and try to boot from the disk nothing happens it just sends me to the start in safe mode screen. If I let windows start and open the disk drive there are "no files" on it. Please help. : \

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So I checked E: on cmd [it is the disk drive in my case] and it states

"The volume does not contain a recognized file system

Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted"

If I click on the drive in windows explorer, it shows no data and if I check properties it says "0 free 0 used" under space

I tried other disk's on it, like one of my sisters geometry tutor disk and the drive recognizes it fine. If I take the same Hp disk and stick it into my Vaio it recognizes it as the xp disk immediately showing me the installation window.

At this point I can be pretty certain that something on that computer is preventing me from even reading the disk, I just have no idea how to fix this problem.

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Have you tried checking your boot settings in the bios? You also might try tapping F11 and/or F12 when booting as there could be a valid restore image on the drive itself that you can use to format.

F11 was the first thing I tried since I saw it on the boot up screen but when I press it nothing happens, I've also checked the "recovery drive" on that pc and its empty so I don't think the image was ever created.

And yes I've set Cd to boot first, I even hit esc which sends me to a boot menu and tried to boot from cd there, all it did was start windows normally and ask If i wanted to boot in safemode.

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Hmm, the only thing I can come up with is that for some reason your PC is having trouble reading a: that disc in particular or b: the boot sector of bootable discs. Have you tried any other bootable discs like Avira's boot disc or Kaspersky's just to see if your PC will boot from a CD at all?

I found this list of commonly used boot keys for entering the bios etc in case you're having trouble accessing the bios itself:


For HP's it's usually F1 or ESC, but yours might be different.

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Hmm, the only thing I can come up with is that for some reason your PC is having trouble reading a: that disc in particular or b: the boot sector of bootable discs. Have you tried any other bootable discs like Avira's boot disc or Kaspersky's just to see if your PC will boot from a CD at all?

I found this list of commonly used boot keys for entering the bios etc in case you're having trouble accessing the bios itself:


For HP's it's usually F1 or ESC, but yours might be different.

I have booted from a CD which had recovery console on it, the few mb online version.

It can't be the specific disk because I have tried both a Media center 05 disk and the hp disk and neither can even be recognized.

The computer it's self has been infected with viruses for a while which is why I want to restore it, could a virus be doing this?

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It's possible, although higly doubtful that it could be an infected bios as those are incredibly rare. I'm more suspicious of some sort of issue with the cd-rom drive itself. I've seen some that wouldn't read certain discs while other PC's would, but would still read other discs. By the way, is this you?: http://www.computerhope.com/forum/index.php?topic=78503.0 (I'm just curious).

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It's possible, although higly doubtful that it could be an infected bios as those are incredibly rare. I'm more suspicious of some sort of issue with the cd-rom drive itself. I've seen some that wouldn't read certain discs while other PC's would, but would still read other discs. By the way, is this you?: http://www.computerhope.com/forum/index.php?topic=78503.0 (I'm just curious).

Yeah same guy.

Could you give me more information about a infected bios please?

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To be honest, I've never dealt with one personally, but basically an infection would have to flash your current bios with an infected one. Sounds simple enough, but there's a huge catch to such an infection: the infected bios must be a modified version of the exact bios for your system/motherboard, which, as you could imagine, would be pretty inefficient if trying to infect as many users as possible since there's such a diversity of systems and boards out there.

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After a few hundred posters with those old drives, I wouldn't be surprised if yours was bad also.

Factory made cd's usually are read the easiest, try another boot disk

Try another drive

3-4 years normal use and a good drive can wear out, from my experience you didn't get a good drive

An excellent drive only lasts me a year or two

Having the drive cabled wrong or jumpered wrong can cause this issue also

Cables go bad also

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I hate windows updates especially sp3 D : kills my media player everytime along with a hand full of other programs most of which just have to be reinstalled though.

If a pc even so much at looked at my fridge I'd trash it, can't have skynet launching in my kitchen.

Three last questions which are no where near as important as the original. I will so make you a signature with my savvy photoshop skills. <3

1. Whats a good free anti virus, thats not avg.

2. Know any good replacement fans that can cool more than stock, the vaio's location is usually pretty hot or humid. : \

3. Where can i get pc parts for uber cheap, specifically DVD: Dl burner.

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Try Media Player 11, it should work and install Vista Codec Pack (free) from Majorgeeks (yes it works with XP just fine) it will let you play pretty much any type of video file in any media player.

1. Avira (the best free one) which works great with MBAM in realtime for protection (MBAM pro is 24.95 for a lifetime license :D ).

2. Depends on the size, but they're probably standard 80mm or 120mm (most likely 80) and you can find better ones on newegg.com. If you have too much humidity damage can occur (moisture + electricity=problems) and if you're really worried you can get a de-humidifier.

3. Newegg.com

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Try Media Player 11, it should work and install Vista Codec Pack (free) from Majorgeeks (yes it works with XP just fine) it will let you play pretty much any type of video file in any media player.

1. Avira (the best free one)

2. Depends on the size, but they're probably standard 80mm or 120mm (most likely 80) and you can find better ones on newegg.com

3. Newegg.com

Thanks man really appreciate it, as for media player I do use 11 just have to install it over 11 after sp3 when ever I upgrade to sp3. And for codec packs I use Combined Community Codec pack works great for me. : )

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