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I installed Mipony (a download manager) yesterday and during installation it was trying to install Delta search tool bar and Browser Protect and I clicked NO to both, but after installation of Mipony, I found these two malwares have been installed onto my system. It is not as disaterous as a virus, but I spent a few hours cleaning the browsers and reinstall Firefox. Mipony used to do Babylon search tool bar which was as bad, I assume Delta is just a change of name.

I urge everybody to saty away from Mipony.

Most importantly I had Malwarebytes full version installed protection always on and the data is up to date. It did not catch and stop this malware installation. I think Malwarebytes should incorporated this Mipony and Delta as serious malware.

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Hello and :welcome:

Sorry to hear you had issues with this malware.... that being said, I would advice you to update your Malwarebytes as you seem to be running a very old version, the current version is you can download the latest version right => HERE.<=

Once you get the latest version installed, you can perform a quick scan and see if it picks up anything else.

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Certainly do do as Firefox suggested.

It is likely that your system also got Conduit toolbar(s) which are reputed to have a certain trackware functionality.

Curious as to what motivated you to look at or to get Mipony? and from where?

The latest versions of Internet Explorer are reputed to have built-in download manager capability.

If that is not sufficient for you, and you have some really heavy download needs, give a try to Internet Download Manager (IDM) and or buy it. That product is legitimate and safe. Don't risk the security of your system to the "so-called" freebies.

btw, the webpages for that "mipony" has a lot of eye candy; but no normally expected look & feel & content about who "this entity" is or it's background.

If it looks like a skunk, then ........

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I got the Mipony installation from its official site Mipony.net. I do a fair amount of downloading and I use Jdownloader and Mipony, now it got rid of Mipony in its entrity. I did not upgrade to a more up to date version of Malewarebytes because when I upgraded to newer versions then the one I am using now, after booting up may be after 10 minutes, Malwarebytes threw out a notice saying (from memory) something cannot be performed and then the icon at the system tray disappears. I am using Windows XP SP3 and AVG free version. I will however try the newest version you suggested and see what happens.

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