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You are certainly not alone experiencing this issue! Many others and me to also have the same problem and i could not use Malwarebytes for 2 months using the 1.65 version.I am using Windows 7. It was not until i installed the current version(1.70) that was released in December 2012 i could start my computer with Malwarebytes installed.

Even after i installed the 1.70 version i have to go to services.msc and then set Malwarebytes to automatic( delayed start) in order to have it start without having it freezing Windows when starting the computer.

In my case there was not a conflict with my Antivirus program that caused the problem,since i uninstalled my antivirus and even by doing so i was not able to run Malwarebytes without freezing Windows.

Have you tried using services.msc and then set Malwarebytes to automatic(delayed start)? This might help you.

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