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I'm new to this forum so I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong category. I was recently infected with the Trojan.Agent that runs out of the svchost.exe (winrscmde). It uses up a large amount of the CPU along with hijacking passwords, etc. My Norton Security wasn't able to detect it so I downloaded malwarebytes to resolve the issue.

I ran malwarebytes and it found the Trojan.Agent with little problem. It was quarantined and I restarted my computer. I then deleted the threats listed in the quarantine box. The Trojan.Agent still keeps reappearing in the quarantine box with more Trojan.Agents being created every minute.They are no longer affecting my CPU since it only ranges 3%-10% compared to 50% before it was quarantined. The symptoms are no longer present, but the virus keeps trying to recreate itself to no avail though. I have tried restarting my computer but the virus persists. All of the recreations are quarantined, but they have not stopped being created.

I am wondering if my computer is safe right now and if there is anything I can do to prevent these recreations.

Thank You

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Hello and welcome. :)

It sounds as if there may be remnants of infection still on the system.

We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

So, please follow the recommendations in this sticky topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

One of the malware experts will assist you with scanning your system and with any needed cleanup.

They will guide you through the process.



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