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Today's scan showed multiple instances of registry malware programs in Windows 7:

PUM.Disabled.security center

PUM.Hijack.start menu

Although all malware instances have been quarantined, the start menu contents are missing...not just programs, but 'computer,' 'control panel,' etc. We cannot access or find links to our documents, though we believe they are still on the hard drive. Also, Internet Explorer 'Favorites' have vanished.

Has anyone else experienced this, and most importantly, how can we overcome it?

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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes

Sounds like you have picked up some malware that hides all your start menu items.... First and most importantly, do not run any tools especially temp file cleaners as this will make it next to impossible to recover your stuff. We have experts that can help you get your computer running again simply by following the instructions below.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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