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Zone Alarm Extreme Security - Compatiblity?

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Yesterday I purchased Malwarebytes. Since then I have not been able to do a successful boot with these two programs installed. I have process explorer and monitor this process. All the programs except for Zone Alarm Extreme Security successfully load. As soon as Forcefield.exe loads the boot freezes. I uninstalled Malwarebytes and then disabled Force Field and anti spam and spyware protection on ZA ES. Then I reinstalled Malwarebytes and rebooted. ZA SE Force Field still tried to load. I uninstalled ZA ES and went back to ZA Internet Security, of which I still have a paid subscription and am able to successfully boot.

What steps do I take to ensure ZA ES and Malwarebytes can exist together?

Operating System: Windows XP Pro

Software Version: 8.0

Product Name: ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite

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I think the only way to add something to the ignore list is if it's detected as a problem/infection. In this case it's probably just one of MBAM's drivers that doesn't like ZA's process or vice versa.

I suspect that it does not like the force field process, which is a major feature of Zone Alarm's upgrade to Security Extreme from Internet Security. I already posted the issue on their forum and opened a support ticket. In the mean time I am using their Internet Security, which works fine.

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Good, I'm glad you brought it to their attention. Thanks for the update and hopefully it won't be too long before it gets sorted out.

I implemented a short term solution - disable Malwarebyte program start up upon Windows boot, then start protection after boot finishes. It works now.

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