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Symantec's "online Norton program" is really Malwarebytes

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I only mention this article because I felt that Malwarebytes should be aware of it.

I ran across an interesting article were a tester for PCmag was testing Norton 360. He ran into some issues and thought it would be the perfect time to contact support. Support was a joke but to solve his issue Symantec was going to run a deep scan for him with a Norton Program. The program that the Symantec tech then runs on his machine is actually Malwarebytes to the PCmag tester's surprise. Here is the story with screen shots showing Malwarebytes. You have to click through a few screenshots before you get to the malwarebytes screen shot.

Symantec's "online Norton program" is really Malwarebytes

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I bet their support reps were just sick of not being able to clean up their customers computers. I wonder if the keyboard shortcut in their helpdesk system for telling the user to reinstall Windows is Ctrl+Alt+F+U...

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