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So I disabled it and you say it can be enabled but it does not work. You take me to services but it's not listed. I've searched everywhere and can find no info on this.

How can you disable something you can't tell me how to re-enable. There is noting for it under services and there never was, so what do I do to get it back?

this is not cool. Please make sure it goes back on where you think it is before letting me disable it!

How do I fix this?

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So I disabled it and you say it can be enabled but it does not work. You take me to services but it's not listed.

How can you disable something you can't tell me how to re-enable.

this is not cool. Please make sure it goes back on where you think it is before letting me disable it!

How do I fix this?

Hello and welcome, madashell: :)

It appears from your post that perhaps your system is missing a Windows service, as a consequence of a malware infection?

We'll definitely need to wait for one of the MBAM staffers to arrive to address your specific concerns.

In the interim, though: :)

1) It's not clear to whom you are referring to by "you" in your post. Since it appears that this is your first post here at the MBAM forum, who is the "you" that you mention in your post? Are you being helped somewhere else for a computer infection problem (another computer forum? the MBAM help desk? somewhere else?)? Or do you have another user account here at the forum under a different username? :)

2) This is not quite the correct section of the forum in which to post such a topic. This section is reserved for discussion of a software product, StartupLite, that AFAIK is not currently being developed. The mods will likely need to move your topic to a section of the forum where it will receive the proper attention. :)

Having said that...

If you would like expert help from a qualified malware expert in resolving your computer issues, please start with the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

One of the specially trained helpers will assist you with looking into this further.

In order to better help you, please provide a link to any other forum where you are already getting help.



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