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HJT threads....

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After being at MRU for a short time, I got a good idea...

When ever you turn in "homework" there, when you look at the forum where you post it, you can only see the ones that you have posted. I am assuming that all teachers, admin, mod, etc... can see ALL of them...I think that this would be an AWESOME way to setup the HJT threads to help prevent people from GETTING/GIVING advice in them.


  • People trying to fix there pc by using the same techniques in the logs.
  • A new guy giving advice in the HJT threads without knowing he isn't allowed to post in there.

I know it may not already be wrote into the software, but I think this would be an AWESOME thing to setup...eventually....anyone else AT LEAST agree with me that this is a notable idea? :)

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Id agree on the HJT part, iv had my two warnings B) (i think i was on my way out the door :) )

as to the rest id say yer it would make it a bit easer.

But im sure the DEV costs to change the whole IPBoard to do this would be big.

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Hello all

What they do at MRU is just to keep the students honest( yes I was one). Need to have Adim. authorization to post in the HJT forums and if not the replys will be removed to protect the innocence. You will see at times in the HJT log replys a warning that the fix is for said OPs problem only and to start a new topic with your problem. B)

Cant babysit the world. :)

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I think it's a terrible idea. :D

Those who analyze and remove malware, or are in the process of learning to analyze and remove malware, need to research log topics at many help sites across the internet. Obviously, they need to be able to view those topics in order to research them. It is not possible, nor desirable, for every helper to be on staff at every help site.

The system that's being proposed here, if implemented at enough help sites, would do nothing but help the bad guys as it would become almost impossible for the good guys to access sufficient needed data.

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Very good point NonSuch, I didn't even think about that. But perhaps if there were a way to simply prevent anyone except a certain rank and above or the OP of the topic to actually reply, then the problem would be solved without having to hide everything. Of course, I don't even know if that would be possible.

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  • Root Admin

Yes it's very possible. 1. Did you create the topic? 2. Are you in one of the ALLOWED groups? Answer to 1 or 2 = No, then you can't reply. Answer to 1 or 2 = Yes, then Yes you can reply. Newer BBS software should easily allow this. This one might too don't know though as I've never done Admin work on it before.

This still allows anyone to create a NEW topic but not reply unless they are the one that started it.

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Very good point NonSuch, I didn't even think about that. But perhaps if there were a way to simply prevent anyone except a certain rank and above or the OP of the topic to actually reply, then the problem would be solved without having to hide everything. Of course, I don't even know if that would be possible.

I agree that's a much more sensible solution. I understand that both Bleeping Computer and Geeks To Go have forum modifications in place that allow everyone to view HijackThis topics, but only the staff and/or the original poster can reply.

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that wouldnt be bad...maybe if people are studying under a school or something like that, there could be a rank just for them...that wouldnt be a bad idea at all..then that rank and up can see in the HJT and no one new or not studying can see...

is that a better idea? see, thats what this thread is for :D

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You missed the point that NoSuch was making, a student or even a helper from one forum or school couldn't use google to see what others are doing for certain infections in other HJT forums. There are a lot of active HJT forums.

Besides many forum admin's have way too much work to do already

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DaChew is right, it just isn't practical.

Can you imagine how much of a nuisance it would be for all helpers and students to have to join sites just to see their HJT logs? Can you imagine the nightmare it would create for administrators who would be forced to come up with a special rank for students and/or helpers from other sites and keep the status of those additional members updated? It would be an overwhelming task just to give access to trainees from various schools and then keep up to date on who has dropped out or been removed.

Believe me, there's more than enough to do already in administering forums without adding unnecessary tasks to the workload. It's far less work to remove the occasional misguided post than it would be to keep track of who should or should not be allowed to view HJT logs. It doesn't make sense to trade a small task for a mammoth one. :D

The reason why Freshmen can only view their own Practice Logs at MRU is simple. It's to prevent cheating. If a trainee cannot see the other students' Practice Log answers, then they cannot copy them.

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There is an old saying, I just made up. :D

Study hard, think slow and everything will come into place.

I believe that "Engage brain before opening mouth" helps.

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