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Toolbar Malware

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Hello Newbie here, please be generous! I recently purchased the MWB Pro version, after using the Free one for some time, to try to correct the problems below.

I have always tried to be careful and secure on the net, but have just endured a horrible 3 days thanks to 3 different Search and Toolbars, supposedly dragged on to my computer. I now believe that I downloaded a false version of the U.S anti spyware product Spyhunter, which caused the following to infect my PC: Snap.do - BabylonSearch - ClaroSearch. I scanned with my resident AVG I.S. 2012 and found nothing. Then with MWB Free, still nothing, then used Ms. Security Essentials, no malware found. However, I did find Snap.do "Helper bars" in the Registry, so deleted those Keys. I had uninstalled the Rogue Spyhunter, after it wanted $99.99 to Fix my PC. After uninstallation, they offered it for $10!

After installing the Pro version of MWB, I carried out a Full Scan and still found nothing. I now think that the rogue programme (spelled differently to the REAL one!) gave me false information, in order to make me buy it, which would probably have brought more garbage onto my PC.

Does anyone have any information about these Toolbars? I am quite prepred to delve into the Registry, if I have doubts in there, I don't touch anything. What has puzzled me, is that Snap.do was still in the computer, after a MWB Full scan.

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