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Malwarebytes upon a full scan has detected supposed malware, but it keeps coming up every so often:

Registry Data Items Infected: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\regfile\shell\open\command\ (Broken.OpenCommand) -> Bad: ("regedit.exe" "%1") Good: (regedit.exe "%1") -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.

The broken open command is not detected unless 'additional items against heuristics' with the advanced heuristics engine is ticked.

If its not malware, does anyone know what other programs may cause this issue, or if other versions of windows may use the quoted version of this registry entry etc)

It would seem after a google that this registry key is often edited by Iolo System Mechanic, but I do not have any Iolo software installed, and never have. Does anyone know what other programs may cause this key to change, or what this change may actually cause?

The system started 'kernel data inpage error' blue screening, but only after the fix back to windows default via malwarebytes - without the quotes before and after regedit.exe. A possible co-incidence, as the system is old and arguably on its last legs, but I have not installed any new software recently. Thanks for any info :)

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Yeah for some reason your key is not vista default and that is why malwarebytes is detecting. you have qoutes in the wrong places but i have never ever seen this cause a BSOD when corrected. You can add to ignore list for now but i would recommend visiting the pc help forum or if you are a paying customer to contact support.



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yes I think the blue screen may have been a coincidence. I have tried testing the machine for a few hours now with mwb corrected values, no blue screens as yet. 5+ yr old msi laptop, cheap casing with cracked edges+frozen screen hinge, once replaced dvd drive, and possibly the coolest either=hdd usually 40c, but system between 40-60c, and cpu cores 40 to 70c max depending on usage level according to speedfan. not a good start to work out any problem, lol. I think when I saw the 'bug' icon next to the issue upon scanning I immediately thought it was known malware, rather than simply a questionable change to the registry. Regedit.exe still works fine. Some mention that a registry cleaner may modify or remove values, but mysteriously adding quotes would probably be very unlikely.

I'll keep the registry value corrected for now, if I receive another bad screen ill change it to its original questionable values see if theres a difference :) Thanks for the replies

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update - I found out someone installed an non-vista/7/8 compatible game the night before (arx fatalis). Many users online claim that they receive severe crashes and freezing as a result, so I believe thats most likely to be the culprit of these bsod.. hopefully :)

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