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MBAM 1.70 fix requires Windows reactivation

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After running MBAM 1.70 and allowing it to quarantine a (never executed) file said to contain Trojan.BHO, Windows reported a significant HW change and required reactivation. Judging by the following threads, this seems to be a general problem with MBAM, which has existed for some time (at least since MBAM; 1.4):




I cannot imagine any reason why MBAM would make changes (presumably to the driver configuration) which would trigger WIndows reactivation, especially in the case of such a minor repair. This knd of side effect makes me mistrust MBAM. My logfile mbam-log-2013-01-29 (19-33-01).txt is attached. What is MBAM doing and why?

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  • Root Admin

Hello rsbrux and welcome to Malwarebytes.

if you review the logs for the links you provided you'll see that those systems were infected. The file removed in your current log would in no way cause Microsoft Licensing to need reactivation. That said it would initially also look like a possible false positive (further analysis would be required to verify that).

If you'd like to have someone assist you in further checking your system then as was requested for the other users please follow the advice from this topic Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and someone will assist you further in checking your system for possible issues.

Thank you

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