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Windows 8 Notifications

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Just updated my MWB Pro. It now has notifications for Windows 8 when blocking a potentially malicious web address.

I've looked at the logs and they are all mostly addresses that utorrent is connecting to, addresses that PeerBlock isn't already stopping. I want to leave the Website blocking feature enabled but I -would- like to silence/disable those notifications from MWB.

In the previous version I was able to hide them as they were system tray notifications, now they aren't.

Any suggestions?


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Are you really sure you want to access that IP?

IP address:

Host name: 89-28-82-165.starnet.md is from Moldova, Republic of(MD) in region Eastern Europe

Please see the following IP Blocker post for further information.

I trust MWB. If it wants to block it, that's perfectly fine with me. I just didn't wish to see the notification each time.

You can still disable the notifications. Simply open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and click on the Protection tab and then uncheck the box next to Show tooltip balloon when malicious website is blocked.

This is exactly what I was looking for. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. Thank you so much!
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